Workshops and Webinars

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry, Workshops and Webinars

Seek Trade Show Plan Feedback and Recommendations

Planning for a trade show is a complex process that involves numerous elements, from logistics and booth design to marketing strategies and staffing. To ensure that your efforts result in a successful trade show experience, it’s essential to seek trade show plan feedback and recommendations from various stakeholders. This feedback can provide valuable insights, helping you refine your approach and maximize your return on investment. 1. The Importance of Feedback Seeking trade show plan feedback allows you to tap into the collective wisdom of your team, past participants, industry peers, and even potential attendees. Gathering diverse perspectives can identify potential issues, discover new opportunities, and enhance your overall strategy. Here’s why it’s crucial: 2. Sources of Trade Shpw Plan Feedback When you seek trade show plan feedback, consider a broad range of sources to ensure comprehensive input: 3. Methods for Gathering Feedback There are several effective ways to gather feedback and recommendations: 4. Incorporating Feedback into Your Plan Once you gather feedback, the next step is to integrate it into your trade show plan effectively: 5. Continuous Improvement Seeking trade show plan feedback should be an ongoing process, not a one-time event. Continuously improving your approach based on the latest insights will keep your trade show strategy dynamic and effective: To maximize the effectiveness of your trade show participation, it’s crucial to seek trade show plan feedback and recommendations from a variety of sources. By incorporating this feedback into your planning process, you can identify potential issues, optimize your resources, and enhance your overall strategy. This continuous feedback loop will not only help you achieve your trade show objectives but also ensure that you stay competitive and innovative in an ever-evolving market. By making feedback an integral part of your trade show planning, you set your business up for greater success and a higher return on investment. Evaluate Trade Show Plan Feedback Learn about MEET’s Trade Show Dashboard tools — About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry, Return on Investment, Workshops and Webinars

Consider Geographic Reach

When planning to participate in a trade show, one of the critical factors to consider is the geographic reach of the event. Evaluating trade show geography involves assessing the location’s potential to attract your target audience, the accessibility for your team, and the overall impact on your marketing strategy. This analysis is essential to maximize the return on your investment and ensure your efforts are directed toward the most promising opportunities. 1. Understanding Geographic Reach Geographic reach refers to the area from which a trade show draws its attendees. This can range from local or regional events to national or international shows. Evaluating trade show geography helps you determine if the location aligns with your business goals and target market. For example, a local event may be ideal for small businesses looking to build a community presence, while an international trade show might be more suitable for companies aiming to expand their global footprint. 2. Assessing Audience Demographics One of the primary reasons for evaluating trade show geography is to ensure that the event attracts attendees who match your target market. Research the demographics of past attendees, including their geographic origins, industries, job roles, and purchasing authority. If your target audience is predominantly based in a specific region, it makes sense to focus on trade shows in that area. Conversely, if you are targeting a global market, participating in international trade shows will help you reach a broader audience. 3. Accessibility and Logistics The location of a trade show significantly impacts the logistics and accessibility for your team and potential attendees. Evaluating trade show geography involves considering factors such as travel distance, transportation options, and accommodation availability. A well-located trade show should be easily accessible by major transportation networks, including airports, highways, and public transit. This ease of access not only benefits your team but also increases the likelihood of attracting a larger audience. 4. Cost Implications Geographic reach can also influence the overall cost of participating in a trade show. Local events typically incur lower costs for travel and accommodations compared to national or international shows. However, the potential ROI must also be taken into account. Evaluating trade show geography means balancing the cost with the expected benefits. Sometimes, a higher upfront investment in a distant trade show can yield greater returns through increased exposure and access to a larger market. 5. Competitive Landscape Understanding the competitive landscape in different geographic regions is another crucial aspect of evaluating trade show geography. Research which trade shows your competitors are attending and the regions where they are most active. Participating in the same events can be beneficial for benchmarking and gaining competitive insights. Additionally, identifying gaps in your competitors’ geographic presence can reveal untapped opportunities for your business. 6. Cultural Considerations When considering international trade shows, cultural factors play a significant role in evaluating trade show geography. Different regions have distinct business practices, consumer behaviors, and regulatory environments. Understanding these cultural nuances can help tailor your marketing strategy and booth presentation to resonate with the local audience. For example, an approach that works well in North America might need adjustments for a European or Asian audience. 7. Strategic Alignment Your participation in trade shows should align with your overall business strategy. Evaluating trade show geography involves ensuring that the locations of the events support your strategic objectives, such as entering new markets, increasing brand visibility, or strengthening relationships with existing clients. A well-aligned geographic strategy can enhance the effectiveness of your trade show participation and contribute to long-term business growth. Considering geographic reach is a critical component of a successful trade show strategy. By evaluating trade show geography, businesses can ensure they are targeting the right audience, optimizing logistics, managing costs, and aligning their efforts with their strategic goals. Whether focusing on local, national, or international events, a thorough analysis of geographic factors will help maximize the impact of your trade show participation and drive meaningful business outcomes. By carefully assessing these elements, you can make informed decisions that enhance your presence and effectiveness at trade shows, ultimately contributing to your overall marketing success. Evaluate Trade Show Geography Tools Learn about MEET’s Trade Show Dashboard tools — About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry, Participant Tips, Pavilions, Return on Investment, Workshops and Webinars

How to Assess Trade Show Performance

Participating in trade shows can be a significant investment for businesses, both in terms of time and money. To ensure this investment yields the desired results, it is crucial to assess trade show performance accurately. By evaluating various performance metrics and employing strategic analysis, businesses can determine the effectiveness of their participation and make informed decisions for future events. 1. Set Clear Objectives Before you can assess trade show performance, it’s essential to have clear, measurable objectives. These goals might include lead generation, brand awareness, sales, networking opportunities, or market research. By defining specific targets, you create a benchmark against which you can measure your performance. For instance, if your goal is to generate 100 qualified leads, you can assess how close you came to achieving this number. 2. Track Lead Generation One of the most straightforward ways to assess trade show performance is by tracking the number and quality of leads generated. Collect contact information from attendees who visit your booth and categorize them based on their level of interest and potential value to your business. Use a customer relationship management (CRM) system to track these leads and follow up after the event. The conversion rate of these leads into customers is a critical metric in evaluating the trade show’s success. 3. Measure Brand Awareness Increasing brand awareness is often a primary goal for trade show participation. To assess trade show performance in this area, look at metrics such as booth traffic, social media engagement, and website visits during and after the event. Conducting surveys with booth visitors can also provide valuable insights into how well your brand message resonated and how memorable your presence was. Additionally, track any mentions of your brand in media coverage or industry publications following the trade show. 4. Evaluate Sales and Assess Trade Show Performance Assessing the direct sales generated from a trade show is another vital aspect of performance evaluation. Calculate the return on investment (ROI) by comparing the total revenue generated from the event to the costs incurred. These costs include booth rental, travel, accommodations, promotional materials, and staff time. A positive ROI indicates a successful trade show, while a negative ROI suggests the need for adjustments in strategy or participation in different events. 5. Analyze Engagement and Interaction The quality of interactions at your booth is a significant indicator of performance. Monitor how many meaningful conversations your team had, the duration of these interactions, and the overall engagement level of visitors. Tools such as lead retrieval systems can help capture data on visitor interactions. Additionally, observe how many attendees participated in any demonstrations, presentations, or activities you offered. High engagement levels typically correlate with a successful trade show experience. 6. Review Competitor Performance Assessing trade show performance also involves benchmarking against competitors. Take note of their booth design, visitor traffic, engagement strategies, and overall presence. Compare their performance metrics with yours to identify areas for improvement. Understanding what your competitors are doing well can provide valuable insights for enhancing your future trade show strategies. 7. Gather Feedback Collect feedback from your team and attendees to get a comprehensive view of your performance. Conduct post-event surveys to understand the experiences and satisfaction levels of booth visitors. Likewise, hold debriefing sessions with your staff to discuss what worked, what didn’t, and how the overall experience can be improved. This qualitative data is crucial for a holistic assessment of your trade show performance. 8. Monitor Long-Term Impact While immediate results are important, the long-term impact of trade show participation can be even more telling. Track the progress of leads generated at the event over several months to assess conversion rates and overall sales impact. Additionally, monitor any long-term shifts in brand recognition, market positioning, and industry relationships that can be attributed to your trade show participation. To effectively assess trade show performance, businesses must take a comprehensive approach, evaluating both quantitative and qualitative metrics. By setting clear objectives, tracking lead generation, measuring brand awareness, evaluating sales and ROI, analyzing engagement, reviewing competitor performance, gathering feedback, and monitoring long-term impact, companies can gain a complete picture of their trade show effectiveness. This detailed assessment not only helps in justifying the investment but also provides insights for continuous improvement and future success. Assess Trade Show Performance Tools Learn about MEET’s Trade Show Dashboard tools — About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Market-Entry, Workshops and Webinars

Scaleup Hiring Strategies with Micah Boster, Nighthawk Advisors

Bill Kenney: Hi and welcome to the next episode of Belly2Belly. We’re here with our great friend Micah Boster. Welcome, Micah! Our topic today is scaleup hiring strategies. Micah Boster: Hey, how are you doing, Bill? About Nighthawk Advisors Bill Kenney: Great, thanks! Your company, Nighthawk Advisors, has extensive experience working with scaleup companies. Before we dive into scaleup hiring strategies, could you give our audience a brief introduction to Nighthawk Advisors and your work? Micah Boster: Absolutely. I’ve spent most of my career in sales, partnerships, and operations strategy, beginning at Google. About ten years ago, I moved back to New York and worked in early-stage operations at four different NYC startups, gaining valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. I founded Nighthawk about six or eight months ago in response to the changing business climate. Companies now need to execute better, and startups often struggle with that. At Nighthawk, we examine a company’s business operating system, including goal-setting and resource planning, to help them build a strong foundation. This is crucial for scaling and meeting investor expectations, especially since the days of getting a big check and figuring things out later are over. Bill Kenney: That’s very insightful. Everyone wants to succeed, and having the right foundation is key. Micah Boster: Exactly. Every founder aspires to build something impactful, like Mark Zuckerberg. To do that, they need a solid foundation and the right team. Most Common Scaleup Founder Hiring Mistakes Bill Kenney: We spoke last week, and I was intrigued by your thoughts on effective hiring processes for scale-ups. Where do scaleups typically face challenges when hiring, and what are the common mistakes they make? Micah Boster: Scaleups often face challenges as complexity increases and they start hiring people reactively without a clear plan. Founders may try to hire senior talent to own functions they don’t fully understand, leading to mismatched hires. The pool of senior talent willing to join a startup without founder-level equity often comprises individuals transitioning from big companies or those with less-than-perfect track records. This mismatch can be costly in terms of money, time, and energy, and it can set the company back if resources are already limited. Scaleup Hiring Strategy Best Practices Bill Kenney: That makes sense. How can companies avoid these pitfalls? Micah Boster: First, it’s crucial to clearly define your core needs from the outset. For example, if technology is core, ensure you have a technical co-founder. Once you get past the MVP stage, consider hiring fractional talent—experienced individuals for specific roles and timeframes. This approach is more cost-effective and allows you to bring in expertise without committing to full-time hires. It also gives you time to understand your product-market fit and growth plans before hiring a permanent senior leadership team. Bill Kenney: That’s a smart approach. It reminds me of a company growth model that equates a company’s lifecycle to a person growing from infancy to maturity. Micah Boster: Absolutely. A startup’s needs change as it grows, much like a person’s needs change from infancy to adolescence. Your team and the problems you face will evolve. In the early stages, preserving capital and flexibility is crucial. Later, as you reach more stable stages, you can bring on long-term talent to drive sustained results. The Most Common Attribute of Succesful Scaleup Founders Bill Kenney: It’s essential to have the right experience at each stage to navigate those transitions effectively. Micah Boster: Exactly. The key is humility—knowing your strengths and weaknesses and seeking help where needed. Successful founders are those who recognize their limitations and bring in the right expertise to fill those gaps. Bill Kenney: Thank you so much for your insights, Micah. This has been incredibly valuable. Can we share your contact information with our audience? Micah Boster: Of course. I’d love to hear from your listeners and answer any questions they might have. Summary Highlights for Scaleup Hiring Strategies You might also like Are Your Leadership Team and Key Personnel Ready? About MEET MEET helps B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Participant Tips, Workshops and Webinars

Why Should I Participate in Trade Shows?

Trade shows are a vital component of many business strategies due to their multifaceted benefits. These events provide businesses with unique opportunities that are difficult to replicate through other marketing channels. Here are several reasons why trade shows are important for businesses: 1. Direct Customer Engagement Trade shows offer businesses the chance to interact directly with potential and existing customers. This face-to-face engagement allows for real-time feedback, personalized interactions, and the building of trust and rapport. Customers can see, touch, and experience products firsthand, which can significantly influence their purchasing decisions. 2. Lead Generation One of the primary benefits of trade shows is the ability to generate high-quality leads. Attendees are often decision-makers or have significant influence within their organizations. This targeted audience means that the leads collected are more likely to convert into actual sales. Moreover, they often attract people who are actively looking for solutions, making them warmer prospects compared to leads generated through cold outreach methods. 3. Brand Awareness and Visibility Participating in a trade show increases brand visibility among a concentrated group of industry professionals and potential customers. Even if attendees do not make an immediate purchase, they become aware of the brand, which can influence their future buying decisions. A well-designed booth and effective promotional materials can leave a lasting impression. 4. Competitive Analysis Trade shows provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to observe their competitors. By walking the floor, businesses can see what others are offering, their marketing strategies, booth designs, and customer engagement tactics. This competitive intelligence can inform a company’s own strategies and help them stay ahead in the market. 5. Networking Opportunities Trade shows bring together a wide range of industry players, including suppliers, distributors, and potential partners. This concentration of industry professionals facilitates networking, which can lead to strategic alliances, partnerships, and collaborations. Networking at trade shows can also lead to media coverage and PR opportunities, further enhancing a company’s visibility. 6. Market Research and Trend Spotting Attending trade shows allows businesses to keep a pulse on industry trends and innovations. They can gather insights into emerging technologies, new products, and shifts in customer preferences. This information is invaluable for product development, marketing strategies, and overall business planning. 7. Sales and Order Taking Many businesses attend trade shows with the primary goal of closing sales and taking orders. The concentrated environment of interested buyers makes it an ideal setting for demonstrating products and services and securing commitments. They often have dedicated areas for order taking, which can streamline the sales process. 8. Product Launches Trade shows are an ideal venue for launching new products or services. The gathered audience of industry insiders and media representatives provides a captive audience for product demonstrations and announcements. A successful product launch at these industry events can generate buzz and media coverage, amplifying the reach beyond the event itself. 9. Educational Opportunities Many trade shows feature seminars, workshops, and panel discussions led by industry experts. These sessions provide valuable learning opportunities for businesses to gain insights into industry best practices, regulatory changes, and innovative solutions. Staying informed through these educational sessions can help businesses adapt and thrive in a competitive market. 10. Building Relationships Building and maintaining relationships with existing clients, suppliers, and industry peers is crucial for long-term success. Trade shows offer a conducive environment for nurturing these relationships, as the informal setting can foster deeper connections than formal business meetings. Trade shows play a critical role in business development by offering a multifaceted platform for engagement, learning, and growth. The unique combination of direct customer interaction, lead generation, brand visibility, competitive analysis, and networking makes such events an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to enhance their market presence and achieve their strategic goals. By leveraging the opportunities presented businesses can stay competitive, innovate, and expand their reach in the market. For an expanded view on this topic refer to our article How to Choose the Right Trade Shows for Your Business. — About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

SelectUSA, Workshops and Webinars

Preparing for SelectUSA 2024 with Bryan Powrozek, Wipfli

Bill Kenney: Hello and welcome to the latest episode of Belly2Belly. Today, we’re delving into the topic of preparing for SelectUSA Investment Summit. Joining us is Bryan Powrozek from Wipfli. Welcome, Bryan. Bryan Powrozek: Hi Bill, thanks for having me. About Wipfli Bill Kenney: It’s a pleasure to have you here today. Our aim in these conversations is to assist companies attending SelectUSA in understanding and connecting with available resources at the event. It’s all about preparing for SelectUSA! Bryan, could you please take a moment to explain how Wipfli supports companies entering the US?   Bryan Powrozek: Certainly, Bill. Firstly, thank you for organizing this. From compliance to tax and financial statements, Wipfli offers advisory, consulting, and accounting services rooted in public accounting. As our clients’ needs evolve, we’ve expanded our services, particularly in international business. For SelectUSA-bound companies, especially those venturing into international business for the first time, we provide comprehensive support. This includes everything from setting up the appropriate legal entities to acting as an outsourced accounting department. We understand the challenges newcomers face, from navigating regulatory landscapes to cultural differences. Bill Kenney: Your insights are invaluable, Bryan. Navigating the complex regulatory and tax environments across different states can be daunting for newcomers. How does Wipfli assist in this regard? Bryan Powrozek: Indeed, explaining state and local tax regimes, often unfamiliar to newcomers, is a significant part of our role. Beyond compliance, we help companies understand cultural nuances, which can vary greatly even within the US. Our goal is to alleviate these burdens and ensure a smooth transition for our clients. Why SelectUSA? Bill Kenney: Face-to-face interactions, such as those at SelectUSA, offer unparalleled opportunities for networking and collaboration. Bryan, why does Wipfli participate in events like SelectUSA? Bryan Powrozek: Participating in events like SelectUSA allows us to connect with various stakeholders, from potential clients to economic development teams. The exchange of knowledge and the chance to forge meaningful relationships cannot be overstated. It’s an opportunity to contribute to the business community and offer our expertise. What About Preparing for SelectUSA? Bill Kenney: Face-to-face interactions are indeed invaluable. Preparing for SelectUSA can be daunting. Bryan, for companies attending SelectUSA for the first time, what advice do you have for making the most of the event and their trip to the US? Bryan Powrozek: Companies need to clarify their goals and devise a strategy before the event. Whether it’s establishing contacts or seeking specific information, having a plan in place helps maximize the event’s potential. Utilizing available resources, such as reaching out to economic development teams beforehand, can streamline the process. Ultimately, come prepared to learn and ask questions. Bill Kenney: Wise advice, Bryan. Planning and focus are key to making the most of such events. Thank you for sharing your insights today. Bryan Powrozek: My pleasure, Bill. Thank you for having me. Summary Points: Wipfli provides comprehensive support to companies entering the US, covering everything from compliance to accounting services, with a focus on understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by newcomers to the US market. Bryan highlights the importance of face-to-face interactions at events like SelectUSA, emphasizing the opportunities for networking and collaboration with various stakeholders, including potential clients and economic development teams. For companies attending and preparing for SelectUSA, Bryan advises clarifying goals, devising a strategy, and utilizing available resources to maximize the event’s potential, emphasizing the importance of planning and focus. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821. Meeting ended after 00:13:42 👋 Preparing for SelectUSA – Podcast Recording – Bryan / Bill (2024-03-15 15:11 GMT-4) – Transcript Attendees Bill Kenney, Bryan Powrozek Preparing for SelectUSA Transcript This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors. Link to the video Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure” — SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC — Bryan Powrozek, .. Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, MEET,

SelectUSA, Workshops and Webinars

SelectUSA 2024 Preparation with Dave Roccio, Lando & Anastasi

Bill Kenney: Welcome to another episode of Belly2Belly! Today, we’re joined by Dave Roccio from the law firm Lando & Anastasi to discuss SelectUSA Investment Summit preparation. Welcome, Dave. David Roccio: Hi, Bill. Thanks for having me. About Lando & Anastasi Bill Kenney: Great to have you here, Dave. Our aim is to help companies attending SelectUSA by providing insights into available resources beforehand. It’s all about SelectUSA preparation! Could you briefly outline how your firm assists companies entering the US market?   David Roccio: Certainly, Bill. We specialize in intellectual property law, focusing on patents, trademarks, and copyrights. For companies entering the US, ensuring their IP rights are protected is crucial. We help navigate the complex process of registering and safeguarding their IP assets, addressing potential hurdles that may arise. Why SelectUSA Bill Kenney: That’s invaluable support, Dave. You’ve been a regular at SelectUSA. What keeps you coming back to the event? David Roccio: SelectUSA offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and companies genuinely interested in doing business in the US. The networking opportunities are unparalleled, and the connections made have been immensely beneficial. Especially for us in the technology sector, the event provides a platform to meet startups and tech companies, which aligns perfectly with our focus. Preparation Tips for SelectUSA Bill Kenney: It’s clear that SelectUSA provides a conducive environment for meaningful connections. For companies attending for the first time, what advice would you offer to maximize their experience at the event? David Roccio: With such a vast conference, it’s essential to narrow down your focus. Firstly, consider participating in smaller group sessions or specialized segments like tech pitch sessions. These offer a more intimate setting for networking and discussions. Secondly, explore programs tailored to specific demographics, such as the Women in Tech mentoring program, for targeted support and advice. Lastly, don’t overlook collateral events or regional gatherings, as they often provide valuable insights and networking opportunities in a more relaxed setting. Bill Kenney: That’s excellent advice, Dave. Focusing on specific areas of interest and leveraging tailored programs can indeed enhance the SelectUSA experience. Thank you for sharing your insights today. David Roccio: My pleasure, Bill. Looking forward to seeing you in June. Bill Kenney: Likewise, Dave. Take care. Summary Points: Lando & Anastasi specializes in intellectual property law, assisting companies entering the US market with patent, trademark, and copyright matters, ensuring their IP rights are protected and compliant with US regulations. Dave highlights the networking opportunities and targeted connections available at SelectUSA, emphasizing the event’s value in facilitating meaningful interactions with companies genuinely interested in doing business in the US. For first-time attendees, Dave recommends focusing on smaller group sessions, exploring specialized programs tailored to specific demographics, and attending collateral events to maximize networking opportunities and gain valuable insights in a more relaxed setting. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821. Meeting ended after 00:06:54 👋 SelectUSA Preparation Podcast Recording – Dave / Bill (2024-03-14 15:02 GMT-4) – Transcript Attendees Bill Kenney, David Roccio SelectUSA Preparation Transcript This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors.   Watch the conversation here Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure” – SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC — David Roccio, – Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, MEET,

SelectUSA, Workshops and Webinars

How to Prepare for SelectUSA 2024 with Emily Smith, American Electric Power

Bill Kenney: Welcome to the latest episode of Belly2Belly! Today, we’re joined by Emily Smith from American Electric Power to discuss how to prepare for SelectUSA. Welcome, Emily. Emily Smith: Thank you so much for having me, Bill. About AEP Bill Kenney: Absolutely. Our goal is to provide companies attending SelectUSA with insights into the resources they can expect to encounter and foster pre-event connections to enhance their US expansion efforts. We’ll also look to give them some “how to prepare for SelectUSA” tips. Emily, could you share more about how American Electric Power supports companies looking to expand in the US? Emily Smith: Certainly, Bill. American Electric Power is one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the US, serving an 11-state footprint. We’re committed to facilitating economic growth in the communities we serve. We offer assistance to international companies in two main areas: establishing their presence in the US and providing ongoing support through our Aftercare services. Our expertise lies in power availability and cost, offering site proposals, custom research, and tailored energy solutions to help companies navigate the energy landscape and manage costs effectively. Why do You Participate in SelectUSA Bill Kenney: That’s impressive, Emily. With such a broad reach, I can see how American Electric Power plays a vital role in supporting economic development across multiple states. You’ve been a regular attendee at SelectUSA. What makes this event so essential for connecting with international companies? Emily Smith: SelectUSA is a cornerstone event for us every year. It brings together a diverse array of stakeholders, including our states, communities, customers, suppliers, and partners. It’s a valuable opportunity to engage with all these parties under one roof and showcase the benefits of expanding or locating within our service territory. Get the Most Out of SelectUSA Participation Bill Kenney: The networking opportunities at SelectUSA are indeed unparalleled. For companies attending for the first time, what advice would you offer to make the most out of their experience? How should they prepare? Emily Smith: Preparation is key. Having a framework or plan in place, even if it’s preliminary, can help companies navigate the event more effectively. Pre-scheduling meetings with specific stakeholders and setting clear objectives beforehand can streamline the experience. Additionally, familiarizing oneself with the event portal and identifying relevant resources ahead of time can be immensely beneficial. And of course, comfortable shoes are a must for making the most of the event’s offerings. Bill Kenney: Excellent advice, Emily. Preparation and planning can significantly enhance the SelectUSA experience for attendees. Thank you for sharing your insights today, and I look forward to seeing you in late June. Emily Smith: Likewise, Bill. Thank you for having me. Summary Points: American Electric Power, as one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the US, plays a crucial role in supporting economic development across an 11-state footprint by assisting international companies with power availability, cost management, site proposals, and custom research. Emily highlights the importance of SelectUSA as a key event for networking and connecting with various stakeholders, including states, communities, customers, and partners, providing a valuable platform for showcasing the benefits of expansion within their service territory. For first-time attendees, Emily emphasizes the significance of preparation, including setting clear objectives, pre-scheduling meetings, and familiarizing oneself with the event portal, to maximize the benefits of participating in SelectUSA. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821. Meeting ended after 00:07:30 👋 How to Prepare for SelectUSA Podcast Recording with Emily / Bill (2024-03-14 14:14 GMT-4) – Transcript Attendees Bill Kenney, Emily Smith Transcript This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors. Watch the conversation here Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure” – SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC — Emily Smith, – Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, MEET,

SelectUSA, Workshops and Webinars

SelectUSA Success Tips with TJ Villamil, SelectFlorida

Bill Kenney: Welcome to the next episode of Belly2Belly! Today, we’re joined by TJ Villamil from SelectFlorida to discuss SelectUSA success tips. Welcome, TJ. TJ Villamil: Hey Bill, thank you. I’m thrilled to be here and eager to dive into our discussion. About SelectFlorida Bill Kenney: Our goal is to provide companies attending SelectUSA with insights into the resources they can expect and to foster connections with organizations like yours. TJ, could you share what types of assistance SelectFlorida provides to companies looking to invest in Florida? TJ Villamil: Absolutely. SelectFlorida is dedicated to facilitating foreign direct investment in our state. We offer personalized consulting services to international companies, helping them navigate the investment landscape in Florida. Our team collaborates closely with these companies to understand their needs, preferences, and growth plans, guiding them to the right opportunities and resources available in our state. With a diverse economy encompassing industries like aerospace, defense, manufacturing, life sciences, and financial services, Florida offers a wealth of opportunities for international investors. Bill Kenney: That’s impressive, TJ. Florida’s economic diversity and growth potential make it an attractive destination for international investors. What industries in Florida do you consider particularly noteworthy? TJ Villamil: Florida’s economic story extends far beyond its renowned tourism industry. We have thriving sectors such as aerospace, defense, manufacturing, life sciences, and financial services. Our state boasts a robust cluster of military and defense companies, a strong presence in aviation and aerospace, and a burgeoning manufacturing sector. Additionally, Florida’s strategic location and robust logistics infrastructure make it an ideal gateway for companies looking to expand their reach into Latin America and the Caribbean. Why SelectUSA Bill Kenney: Florida’s economic landscape offers a compelling array of opportunities for international investors across various industries. You’ve been participating in SelectUSA for several years. What makes this event so essential for SelectFlorida? TJ Villamil: SelectUSA serves as a premier platform for connecting with international investors and showcasing the opportunities available in Florida. It’s a comprehensive event that brings together stakeholders from across the globe, providing a centralized forum for networking, collaboration, and information sharing. Our partnership with the US Commercial Service enhances the event’s impact, facilitating ongoing engagement and investment promotion throughout the year. SelectUSA Success Tips Bill Kenney: SelectUSA indeed provides a valuable opportunity to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders and promote investment opportunities in Florida. For companies attending SelectUSA for the first time, what SelectUSA success tips do you have to maximize their experience? TJ Villamil: Preparation is key. Given the vastness of the United States, it’s essential for international investors to plan their visits and meetings strategically. Utilizing tools like the event app to schedule meetings in advance can streamline the experience and ensure productive interactions. Additionally, leveraging the expertise of service providers and consulting with project managers can help companies navigate various aspects of the investment process, from immigration to tax considerations, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their time at SelectUSA. Bill Kenney: Excellent advice, TJ. Preparation and leveraging available resources are essential for companies to make the most of their participation in SelectUSA. Thank you for sharing your insights today, and I’m sure many companies will benefit from connecting with SelectFlorida. TJ Villamil: Thank you, Bill. It’s been a pleasure discussing SelectUSA preparation, and I look forward to connecting with attendees at the event. Summary Points: SelectFlorida provides personalized consulting services to international companies seeking to invest in Florida, helping them navigate the investment landscape and identify opportunities across diverse industries such as aerospace, defense, manufacturing, life sciences, and financial services. Florida’s economic diversity, strategic location, and robust infrastructure make it an attractive destination for international investors, offering opportunities for growth and expansion across various sectors. SelectUSA serves as a crucial platform for connecting with international investors and promoting investment opportunities in Florida, providing a centralized forum for networking, collaboration, and information sharing. For companies attending SelectUSA for the first time here are some success tips, preparation is key. Strategic planning, scheduling meetings in advance, and leveraging available resources can optimize their experience and facilitate productive interactions during the event. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821. Meeting ended after 00:09:22 👋 SelectUSA Success Tips Podcast Recording with TJ / Bill (2024-03-14 13:33 GMT-4) – Transcript Attendees Bill Kenney, TJ Villamil Transcript This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors. Watch the conversation here Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure” – SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC — TJ Villamil, – Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, MEET,

SelectUSA, Workshops and Webinars

How to Leverage SelectUSA with Greg Kozera from Shale Crescent

Bill Kenney: Welcome to the next episode of Belly2Belly! Today, we’re joined by Greg Kozera from Shale Crescent to discuss how to leverage SelectUSA. Welcome, Greg. Greg Kozera: Good to see you again, Bill. About Shale Crescent Bill Kenney: It’s wonderful to see you. Our goal today is to assist companies coming to the US, particularly to SelectUSA, by providing a preview of the resources available. Greg, could you highlight how Shale Crescent supports companies entering the US market? Greg Kozera: Certainly, Bill. Shale Crescent is a nonprofit organization focused on economic development, marketing, and research. We offer extensive research and support services to companies interested in investing in our region, covering West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. With abundant energy resources, particularly natural gas, we assist companies by connecting them with the necessary resources and stakeholders to facilitate their entry into the US market. Our goal is to guide them through the process and provide support every step of the way. Industries Supported by Shale Crescent Bill Kenney: That’s impressive, Greg. Given your region’s abundant energy resources, what industries do you believe are particularly well-suited to benefit from your services? Greg Kozera: Industries that are energy-intensive, such as petrochemicals, manufacturing, and glass production, can greatly benefit from our region’s abundant energy resources. Companies in these sectors can capitalize on the cost advantages offered by our region’s low energy prices. For example, the petrochemical industry can take advantage of our abundant natural gas to produce products like polyethylene and propylene. Additionally, our region’s strong presence in manufacturing and glass production benefits from the reliable and affordable energy supply, ensuring operational efficiency and cost savings. Why SelectUSA? Bill Kenney: Indeed, the cost advantages and reliability of energy in your region make it an attractive destination for energy-intensive industries. You’ve been attending SelectUSA for several years now. What makes this event so appealing to you, and what do you typically gain from it? Greg Kozera: With the right leverage SelectUSA is an unparalleled opportunity to connect with international investors and showcase the opportunities available in our region. The event provides a platform for networking, collaboration, and information sharing, allowing us to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders from around the world. Over the years, we’ve generated numerous leads and forged valuable relationships that have led to tangible business opportunities. SelectUSA is instrumental in expanding our network and promoting investment in our region. How to Leverage SelectUSA Bill Kenney: It’s clear that SelectUSA offers significant benefits in terms of networking and fostering business opportunities. For companies attending SelectUSA for the first time, what recommendations do you have to ensure they leverage the event? Greg Kozera: Preparation is key. I recommend that companies preset meetings and utilize the event app to schedule appointments in advance. This allows them to maximize their time and ensure meaningful interactions during the event. Additionally, I advise them to be open, engaging, and empathetic in their conversations, focusing on understanding the needs and challenges of potential partners or investors. Leveraging existing relationships and reconnecting with contacts can also yield valuable opportunities. Ultimately, it’s about building genuine connections and offering solutions that meet the needs of others. Bill Kenney: Excellent advice, Greg. Preparation, engagement, and relationship-building are crucial for success at SelectUSA. Thank you for sharing your insights today, and I look forward to seeing you at the event in June. Greg Kozera: Thank you, Bill. It’s been a pleasure, and I’m excited to connect with attendees at SelectUSA. Let’s make it a productive and impactful event for all involved. Summary Points: Shale Crescent, a nonprofit organization, offers research and support services to companies interested in investing in the West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania region, particularly focusing on energy-intensive industries such as petrochemicals, manufacturing, and glass production. SelectUSA provides an unparalleled platform for networking, collaboration, and promoting investment opportunities. Participating in the event has enabled Shale Crescent to generate leads, forge valuable relationships, and expand its network, ultimately leading to tangible business opportunities. For companies attending SelectUSA for the first time, preparation is the basis of how to leverage the event. Presetting meetings, utilizing the event app, and focusing on genuine engagement and relationship-building can maximize the benefits of the event and foster meaningful interactions with potential partners or investors. Leveraging existing relationships and reconnecting with contacts can also yield valuable opportunities, emphasizing the importance of building genuine connections and offering solutions that meet the needs of others. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821. Meeting ended after 00:14:23 👋 SUSA Podcast Recording with Greg (2024-03-11 15:33 GMT-4) – Transcript Attendees Bill Kenney, Greg Kozera Transcript This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors.   Watch the conversation here Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure” – SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC — Greg Kozera, – Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, MEET,

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