How to Prepare for SelectUSA 2024 with Emily Smith, American Electric Power

Bill Kenney: Welcome to the latest episode of Belly2Belly! Today, we’re joined by Emily Smith from American Electric Power to discuss how to prepare for SelectUSA. Welcome, Emily.

Emily Smith: Thank you so much for having me, Bill.

How to Prepare for SelectUSA

About AEP

Bill Kenney: Absolutely. Our goal is to provide companies attending SelectUSA with insights into the resources they can expect to encounter and foster pre-event connections to enhance their US expansion efforts. We’ll also look to give them some “how to prepare for SelectUSA” tips. Emily, could you share more about how American Electric Power supports companies looking to expand in the US?

Emily Smith: Certainly, Bill. American Electric Power is one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the US, serving an 11-state footprint. We’re committed to facilitating economic growth in the communities we serve. We offer assistance to international companies in two main areas: establishing their presence in the US and providing ongoing support through our Aftercare services. Our expertise lies in power availability and cost, offering site proposals, custom research, and tailored energy solutions to help companies navigate the energy landscape and manage costs effectively.

How to Prepare for SelectUSA with AEP

Why do You Participate in SelectUSA

Bill Kenney: That’s impressive, Emily. With such a broad reach, I can see how American Electric Power plays a vital role in supporting economic development across multiple states. You’ve been a regular attendee at SelectUSA. What makes this event so essential for connecting with international companies?

Emily Smith: SelectUSA is a cornerstone event for us every year. It brings together a diverse array of stakeholders, including our states, communities, customers, suppliers, and partners. It’s a valuable opportunity to engage with all these parties under one roof and showcase the benefits of expanding or locating within our service territory.

Get the Most Out of SelectUSA Participation

Bill Kenney: The networking opportunities at SelectUSA are indeed unparalleled. For companies attending for the first time, what advice would you offer to make the most out of their experience? How should they prepare?

Emily Smith: Preparation is key. Having a framework or plan in place, even if it’s preliminary, can help companies navigate the event more effectively. Pre-scheduling meetings with specific stakeholders and setting clear objectives beforehand can streamline the experience. Additionally, familiarizing oneself with the event portal and identifying relevant resources ahead of time can be immensely beneficial. And of course, comfortable shoes are a must for making the most of the event’s offerings.

Bill Kenney: Excellent advice, Emily. Preparation and planning can significantly enhance the SelectUSA experience for attendees. Thank you for sharing your insights today, and I look forward to seeing you in late June.

Emily Smith: Likewise, Bill. Thank you for having me.

Summary Points:

  1. American Electric Power, as one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the US, plays a crucial role in supporting economic development across an 11-state footprint by assisting international companies with power availability, cost management, site proposals, and custom research.
  2. Emily highlights the importance of SelectUSA as a key event for networking and connecting with various stakeholders, including states, communities, customers, and partners, providing a valuable platform for showcasing the benefits of expansion within their service territory.
  3. For first-time attendees, Emily emphasizes the significance of preparation, including setting clear objectives, pre-scheduling meetings, and familiarizing oneself with the event portal, to maximize the benefits of participating in SelectUSA.

About MEET

MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Meeting ended after 00:07:30 👋

How to Prepare for SelectUSA Podcast Recording with Emily / Bill (2024-03-14 14:14 GMT-4) – Transcript


Bill Kenney, Emily Smith


This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors.

Watch the conversation here

Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure

SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC

Emily Smith,

Feel free to contact us with any questions

Bill Kenney,


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