
Preparing for SelectUSA 2024 with Bryan Powrozek, Wipfli

Bill Kenney: Hello and welcome to the latest episode of Belly2Belly. Today, we’re delving into the topic of preparing for SelectUSA Investment Summit. Joining us is Bryan Powrozek from Wipfli. Welcome, Bryan.

Bryan Powrozek: Hi Bill, thanks for having me.

SelectUSA Investment Summit

About Wipfli

Bill Kenney: It’s a pleasure to have you here today. Our aim in these conversations is to assist companies attending SelectUSA in understanding and connecting with available resources at the event. It’s all about preparing for SelectUSA! Bryan, could you please take a moment to explain how Wipfli supports companies entering the US?


Bryan Powrozek: Certainly, Bill. Firstly, thank you for organizing this. From compliance to tax and financial statements, Wipfli offers advisory, consulting, and accounting services rooted in public accounting. As our clients’ needs evolve, we’ve expanded our services, particularly in international business. For SelectUSA-bound companies, especially those venturing into international business for the first time, we provide comprehensive support. This includes everything from setting up the appropriate legal entities to acting as an outsourced accounting department. We understand the challenges newcomers face, from navigating regulatory landscapes to cultural differences.

Preparing for SelectUSA with Wipfli

Bill Kenney: Your insights are invaluable, Bryan. Navigating the complex regulatory and tax environments across different states can be daunting for newcomers. How does Wipfli assist in this regard?

Bryan Powrozek: Indeed, explaining state and local tax regimes, often unfamiliar to newcomers, is a significant part of our role. Beyond compliance, we help companies understand cultural nuances, which can vary greatly even within the US. Our goal is to alleviate these burdens and ensure a smooth transition for our clients.

Why SelectUSA?

Bill Kenney: Face-to-face interactions, such as those at SelectUSA, offer unparalleled opportunities for networking and collaboration. Bryan, why does Wipfli participate in events like SelectUSA?

Bryan Powrozek: Participating in events like SelectUSA allows us to connect with various stakeholders, from potential clients to economic development teams. The exchange of knowledge and the chance to forge meaningful relationships cannot be overstated. It’s an opportunity to contribute to the business community and offer our expertise.

What About Preparing for SelectUSA?

Bill Kenney: Face-to-face interactions are indeed invaluable. Preparing for SelectUSA can be daunting. Bryan, for companies attending SelectUSA for the first time, what advice do you have for making the most of the event and their trip to the US?

Bryan Powrozek: Companies need to clarify their goals and devise a strategy before the event. Whether it’s establishing contacts or seeking specific information, having a plan in place helps maximize the event’s potential. Utilizing available resources, such as reaching out to economic development teams beforehand, can streamline the process. Ultimately, come prepared to learn and ask questions.

Bill Kenney: Wise advice, Bryan. Planning and focus are key to making the most of such events. Thank you for sharing your insights today.

Bryan Powrozek: My pleasure, Bill. Thank you for having me.

Summary Points:

  • Wipfli provides comprehensive support to companies entering the US, covering everything from compliance to accounting services, with a focus on understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by newcomers to the US market.
  • Bryan highlights the importance of face-to-face interactions at events like SelectUSA, emphasizing the opportunities for networking and collaboration with various stakeholders, including potential clients and economic development teams.
  • For companies attending and preparing for SelectUSA, Bryan advises clarifying goals, devising a strategy, and utilizing available resources to maximize the event’s potential, emphasizing the importance of planning and focus.

About MEET

MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: bill@meetroi.com or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Meeting ended after 00:13:42 👋

Preparing for SelectUSA – Podcast Recording – Bryan / Bill (2024-03-15 15:11 GMT-4) – Transcript


Bill Kenney, Bryan Powrozek

Preparing for SelectUSA Transcript

This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors.

Link to the video

Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure

SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC


Bryan Powrozek, Bryan.Powrozek@wipfli.com



Feel free to contact us with any questions

Bill Kenney, bill@meetroi.com

MEET, https://sheikharin.com/meetroi/

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