Author name: Bill Kenney

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry, Participant Tips, Pavilions, Return on Investment

Evaluating Trade Show Relevance

In the bustling world of commerce, trade shows stand as beacons of opportunity, offering businesses a platform to showcase their offerings, forge connections, and stay abreast of industry trends. However, not all trade shows are created equal, and determining their relevance to your business is paramount to making informed decisions about participation. So, how do you evaluate trade show relevance effectively? Let’s embark on this journey together and navigate the maze of evaluating trade show relevance. 1. Define Your Objectives Before delving into the evaluation process, it’s essential to define your objectives clearly. What are you hoping to achieve by participating in a trade show? Are you looking to generate leads, increase brand awareness, launch a new product, or network with industry professionals? Understanding your goals will serve as a compass in guiding your evaluation criteria and ensuring that the trade show aligns with your business objectives. 2. Research the Industry Focus The first step in evaluating trade show relevance is to assess the industry focus of the event. Consider whether the trade show caters to your specific industry, niche, or target market. Look for trade shows that attract attendees, exhibitors, and speakers who are relevant to your business. Evaluate the exhibitor list, seminar topics, and keynote speakers to gauge the alignment with your industry and identify potential networking opportunities. 3. Assess Attendee Profile Examine the profile of past and expected attendees to determine whether they match your target customer demographic. Consider factors such as job titles, industries, company sizes, and geographic locations. Look for trade shows that attract a diverse yet relevant audience that is likely to be interested in your products or services. Participating in trade shows with a high concentration of your target audience increases the likelihood of generating quality leads and fostering meaningful connections. 4. Evaluate Exhibitor Opportunities Evaluate the opportunities available to exhibitors, including booth options, sponsorship packages, speaking opportunities, and networking events. Consider whether the trade show offers opportunities for visibility, engagement, and lead generation that align with your objectives and budget. Look for value-added features such as matchmaking services, lead retrieval tools, and promotional opportunities to maximize your return on investment (ROI). 5. Consider Geographic Reach Assess the geographic reach of the trade show and its relevance to your target market. Consider whether the trade show attracts attendees and exhibitors from local, regional, national, or international markets. If your business operates primarily within a specific geographic region, prioritize trade shows that cater to that market to maximize your exposure and opportunities for local business development. Conversely, if you’re looking to expand into new markets, consider participating in trade shows with a broader geographic reach to access new opportunities and audiences. 6. Review Past Performance One of the most reliable indicators of trade show relevance is its past performance. Research the history of the trade show, including attendance figures, exhibitor feedback, and post-event analysis. Evaluate factors such as foot traffic, lead generation opportunities, quality of networking, and overall attendee satisfaction. Positive testimonials and success stories from past exhibitors can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the trade show in achieving business objectives. 7. Assess Cost vs. Benefits Evaluate the costs associated with participating in the trade show and weigh them against the potential benefits. Consider factors such as booth rental fees, travel expenses, promotional materials, staffing costs, and ancillary expenses. Calculate the potential return on investment (ROI) based on your objectives and projected outcomes. While larger trade shows may offer greater visibility and networking opportunities, they often come with higher costs. Consider your budget constraints and the expected benefits to ensure that the trade show offers a favorable cost-benefit ratio. 8. Seek Feedback and Recommendations Don’t hesitate to seek feedback and recommendations from industry peers, mentors, or professional associations. Reach out to past exhibitors and attendees to gather insights into their experiences and assess the relevance of the trade show to your business. Additionally, leverage online resources such as trade show directories, forums, and social media groups to gather insights and recommendations from fellow exhibitors and industry experts. Evaluating trade show relevance requires a comprehensive assessment of industry focus, attendee profile, exhibitor opportunities, geographic reach, past performance, cost vs. benefits, and feedback from peers and industry experts. By conducting thorough research and analysis, you can identify trade shows that offer the best opportunities for achieving your business objectives and maximizing your ROI. Remember, the key to success lies in choosing trade shows that align closely with your goals, target audience, and budget, ensuring that your participation yields tangible results and contributes to your overall business growth. Read about choosing the right trade show for your business. β€” About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry, Return on Investment

How to Research Your Target Customer

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, understanding your target customer is akin to wielding a compass in uncharted watersβ€”it guides your decisions, shapes your strategies, and ultimately leads you to success. However, the process of researching your target customer goes beyond mere demographics; it delves into the psyche, preferences, and behaviors of your audience. So, how do you embark on this voyage of discovery? Let’s navigate the waters of how to research your target customer together. 1. Define Your Ideal Customer Profile Before diving into the depths of customer research, it’s essential to establish a clear picture of your ideal customer. Define the characteristics, traits, and attributes of the individuals or businesses that are most likely to benefit from your products or services. Consider factors such as age, gender, income level, occupation, geographic location, interests, values, and pain points. Crafting an ideal customer profile provides a blueprint for your research efforts and ensures that you’re targeting the right audience. 2. Utilize Market Segmentation Segmenting your target market into distinct groups based on shared characteristics allows for more targeted and effective customer research. Explore different segmentation criteria such as demographic, psychographic, behavioral, and geographic segmentation. By understanding the unique needs, preferences, and behaviors of each segment, you can tailor your marketing strategies and messages to resonate with specific audience segments more effectively. 3. Gather Data from Multiple Sources Customer research involves gathering data from a variety of sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of your target audience. Utilize both quantitative and qualitative research methods to collect data and insights. Quantitative methods, such as surveys, polls, and analytics tools, provide statistical data on customer demographics, preferences, and behavior patterns. Qualitative methods, such as interviews, focus groups, and social media listening, offer deeper insights into customer attitudes, motivations, and perceptions. 4. Analyze Existing Customer Data Tap into the wealth of data available from your existing customer base to uncover valuable insights. Analyze customer transaction histories, interactions, feedback, and demographic information to identify patterns, trends, and preferences. Look for commonalities among your most loyal customers and high-value clients to refine your ideal customer profile further. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems and analytics platforms can help streamline the process of data analysis and interpretation. 5. Conduct Market Research Beyond your existing customer base, conduct market research to gain insights into broader industry trends, competitor strategies, and market dynamics. Explore secondary sources such as industry reports, market studies, academic research, and trade publications to stay informed about the latest developments in your industry. Additionally, consider conducting primary research through surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather firsthand insights from potential customers and industry experts. 6. Utilize Online Tools and Resources Harness the power of online tools and resources to streamline your customer research efforts. Leverage market research tools, audience analytics platforms, and social media monitoring tools to gather real-time data on customer behavior, sentiment, and engagement. Explore online databases, consumer panels, and demographic profiling tools to access demographic data and consumer insights. These digital tools offer valuable resources for conducting comprehensive and cost-effective customer research. 7. Stay Engaged and Adaptive Customer research is an ongoing process that requires continuous engagement and adaptation to evolving market dynamics. Stay attuned to changes in customer preferences, industry trends, and competitive landscape. Monitor customer feedback, social media conversations, and online reviews to identify emerging patterns and address customer needs proactively. Regularly revisit and refine your ideal customer profile based on new insights and data sources to ensure that your marketing strategies remain relevant and effective. Researching your target customer is a foundational step in building a successful business strategy. By defining your ideal customer profile, utilizing market segmentation, gathering data from multiple sources, analyzing existing customer data, conducting market research, leveraging online tools and resources, and staying engaged and adaptive, you can gain invaluable insights into your target audience and tailor your marketing efforts to drive growth and success. Remember, the key to unlocking the hearts and minds of your customers lies in understanding who they are, what they want, and how you can fulfill their needs. Read about choosing the right trade show for your business. β€” About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Market-Entry, Workshops and Webinars

Scaleup Hiring Strategies with Micah Boster, Nighthawk Advisors

Bill Kenney: Hi and welcome to the next episode of Belly2Belly. We’re here with our great friend Micah Boster. Welcome, Micah! Our topic today is scaleup hiring strategies. Micah Boster: Hey, how are you doing, Bill? About Nighthawk Advisors Bill Kenney: Great, thanks! Your company, Nighthawk Advisors, has extensive experience working with scaleup companies. Before we dive into scaleup hiring strategies, could you give our audience a brief introduction to Nighthawk Advisors and your work? Micah Boster: Absolutely. I’ve spent most of my career in sales, partnerships, and operations strategy, beginning at Google. About ten years ago, I moved back to New York and worked in early-stage operations at four different NYC startups, gaining valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. I founded Nighthawk about six or eight months ago in response to the changing business climate. Companies now need to execute better, and startups often struggle with that. At Nighthawk, we examine a company’s business operating system, including goal-setting and resource planning, to help them build a strong foundation. This is crucial for scaling and meeting investor expectations, especially since the days of getting a big check and figuring things out later are over. Bill Kenney: That’s very insightful. Everyone wants to succeed, and having the right foundation is key. Micah Boster: Exactly. Every founder aspires to build something impactful, like Mark Zuckerberg. To do that, they need a solid foundation and the right team. Most Common Scaleup Founder Hiring Mistakes Bill Kenney: We spoke last week, and I was intrigued by your thoughts on effective hiring processes for scale-ups. Where do scaleups typically face challenges when hiring, and what are the common mistakes they make? Micah Boster: Scaleups often face challenges as complexity increases and they start hiring people reactively without a clear plan. Founders may try to hire senior talent to own functions they don’t fully understand, leading to mismatched hires. The pool of senior talent willing to join a startup without founder-level equity often comprises individuals transitioning from big companies or those with less-than-perfect track records. This mismatch can be costly in terms of money, time, and energy, and it can set the company back if resources are already limited. Scaleup Hiring Strategy Best Practices Bill Kenney: That makes sense. How can companies avoid these pitfalls? Micah Boster: First, it’s crucial to clearly define your core needs from the outset. For example, if technology is core, ensure you have a technical co-founder. Once you get past the MVP stage, consider hiring fractional talentβ€”experienced individuals for specific roles and timeframes. This approach is more cost-effective and allows you to bring in expertise without committing to full-time hires. It also gives you time to understand your product-market fit and growth plans before hiring a permanent senior leadership team. Bill Kenney: That’s a smart approach. It reminds me of a company growth model that equates a company’s lifecycle to a person growing from infancy to maturity. Micah Boster: Absolutely. A startup’s needs change as it grows, much like a person’s needs change from infancy to adolescence. Your team and the problems you face will evolve. In the early stages, preserving capital and flexibility is crucial. Later, as you reach more stable stages, you can bring on long-term talent to drive sustained results. The Most Common Attribute of Succesful Scaleup Founders Bill Kenney: It’s essential to have the right experience at each stage to navigate those transitions effectively. Micah Boster: Exactly. The key is humilityβ€”knowing your strengths and weaknesses and seeking help where needed. Successful founders are those who recognize their limitations and bring in the right expertise to fill those gaps. Bill Kenney: Thank you so much for your insights, Micah. This has been incredibly valuable. Can we share your contact information with our audience? Micah Boster: Of course. I’d love to hear from your listeners and answer any questions they might have. Summary Highlights for Scaleup Hiring Strategies You might also like Are Your Leadership Team and Key Personnel Ready? About MEET MEETΒ helps B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goalsΒ bill@meetroi.comΒ or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry, Return on Investment

How to Define Trade Show Objectives

Trade shows serve as bustling marketplaces where businesses can showcase their products, forge connections, and propel their brands to new heights. However, to navigate these dynamic environments effectively, one must set clear objectives. How to define trade show objectives is akin to charting a course before setting sailβ€”it provides direction and purpose and ensures that every action serves a strategic goal. So, how does one go about defining trade show objectives? Let’s explore the steps to setting sail for success. 1. Understand Your Business Goals to Define Trade Show Objectives Before delving into the intricacies of trade show objectives, it’s essential to align them with your broader business goals. Reflect on what you aim to achieve as a companyβ€”are you looking to increase sales, expand your market reach, launch a new product, or strengthen brand awareness? Your trade show objectives should complement and support these overarching business goals, serving as a tangible means to propel your company forward. 2. Identify Specific Outcomes Trade show objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Identify the specific outcomes you hope to achieve by participating in the trade show. Are you aiming to generate a certain number of leads, secure a certain amount of sales, or cultivate partnerships with industry influencers? By quantifying your objectives, you create benchmarks for success and ensure accountability in evaluating your performance post-event. 3. Consider Different Objectives Trade shows offer a multitude of opportunities beyond just sales. Consider various objectives that align with your business goals and target audience. These may include: Tailor your objectives to suit the unique needs and priorities of your business, ensuring that they are both relevant and achievable within the context of the trade show environment. 4. Prioritize Objectives Not all objectives carry equal weight, nor are they equally attainable within the confines of a trade show. Prioritize your objectives based on their importance to your business goals and the resources available. Focus on one or two primary objectives to avoid diluting your efforts and maximize your impact. For example, if your primary goal is to launch a new product, allocate resources towards creating an engaging booth display, organizing product demonstrations, and conducting targeted marketing activities to generate buzz and interest around your offering. 5. Align with Target Audience Consider the demographics, interests, and preferences of the trade show attendees when defining your objectives. Tailor your objectives to resonate with your target audience and address their needs or pain points. For instance, if your target audience comprises tech-savvy millennials, your objectives may include showcasing innovative technology solutions, organizing interactive demos, and leveraging social media platforms to engage with attendees in real-time. 6. Evaluate Success Metrics to Define Trade Show Objectives Establish clear metrics for measuring the success of your trade show objectives. These may include metrics such as the number of leads generated, sales closed, brand impressions, social media engagement, or return on investment (ROI). Define benchmarks or targets for each metric to gauge your performance and identify areas for improvement. Utilize technology such as lead capture software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and analytics tools to track and analyze relevant data effectively. To define trade show objectives is a critical step in maximizing the value of your participation and ensuring a return on your investment. By aligning your objectives with your broader business goals, identifying specific outcomes, prioritizing objectives, aligning with your target audience, and establishing clear success metrics, you set the stage for a successful trade show experience. Remember, clarity of purpose breeds confidence, direction, and ultimately, success in the bustling seas of trade show commerce. Read this recent post for more on this topic, Navigating the Trade Show Terrain: Choosing the Right Trade Show for Your Business. About MEET MEETΒ helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goalsΒ bill@meetroi.comΒ or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Participant Tips, Workshops and Webinars

Why Should I Participate in Trade Shows?

Trade shows are a vital component of many business strategies due to their multifaceted benefits. These events provide businesses with unique opportunities that are difficult to replicate through other marketing channels. Here are several reasons why trade shows are important for businesses: 1. Direct Customer Engagement Trade shows offer businesses the chance to interact directly with potential and existing customers. This face-to-face engagement allows for real-time feedback, personalized interactions, and the building of trust and rapport. Customers can see, touch, and experience products firsthand, which can significantly influence their purchasing decisions. 2. Lead Generation One of the primary benefits of trade shows is the ability to generate high-quality leads. Attendees are often decision-makers or have significant influence within their organizations. This targeted audience means that the leads collected are more likely to convert into actual sales. Moreover, they often attract people who are actively looking for solutions, making them warmer prospects compared to leads generated through cold outreach methods. 3. Brand Awareness and Visibility Participating in a trade show increases brand visibility among a concentrated group of industry professionals and potential customers. Even if attendees do not make an immediate purchase, they become aware of the brand, which can influence their future buying decisions. A well-designed booth and effective promotional materials can leave a lasting impression. 4. Competitive Analysis Trade shows provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to observe their competitors. By walking the floor, businesses can see what others are offering, their marketing strategies, booth designs, and customer engagement tactics. This competitive intelligence can inform a company’s own strategies and help them stay ahead in the market. 5. Networking Opportunities Trade shows bring together a wide range of industry players, including suppliers, distributors, and potential partners. This concentration of industry professionals facilitates networking, which can lead to strategic alliances, partnerships, and collaborations. Networking at trade shows can also lead to media coverage and PR opportunities, further enhancing a company’s visibility. 6. Market Research and Trend Spotting Attending trade shows allows businesses to keep a pulse on industry trends and innovations. They can gather insights into emerging technologies, new products, and shifts in customer preferences. This information is invaluable for product development, marketing strategies, and overall business planning. 7. Sales and Order Taking Many businesses attend trade shows with the primary goal of closing sales and taking orders. The concentrated environment of interested buyers makes it an ideal setting for demonstrating products and services and securing commitments. They often have dedicated areas for order taking, which can streamline the sales process. 8. Product Launches Trade shows are an ideal venue for launching new products or services. The gathered audience of industry insiders and media representatives provides a captive audience for product demonstrations and announcements. A successful product launch at these industry events can generate buzz and media coverage, amplifying the reach beyond the event itself. 9. Educational Opportunities Many trade shows feature seminars, workshops, and panel discussions led by industry experts. These sessions provide valuable learning opportunities for businesses to gain insights into industry best practices, regulatory changes, and innovative solutions. Staying informed through these educational sessions can help businesses adapt and thrive in a competitive market. 10. Building Relationships Building and maintaining relationships with existing clients, suppliers, and industry peers is crucial for long-term success. Trade shows offer a conducive environment for nurturing these relationships, as the informal setting can foster deeper connections than formal business meetings. Trade shows play a critical role in business development by offering a multifaceted platform for engagement, learning, and growth. The unique combination of direct customer interaction, lead generation, brand visibility, competitive analysis, and networking makes such events an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to enhance their market presence and achieve their strategic goals. By leveraging the opportunities presented businesses can stay competitive, innovate, and expand their reach in the market. For an expanded view on this topic refer to our article How to Choose the Right Trade Shows for Your Business. β€” About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Market-Entry, Participant Tips, Return on Investment

Navigating the Trade Show Terrain: Choosing the Right Trade Show for Your Business

In the bustling commerce landscape, trade shows stand as vibrant hubs of opportunity. These events offer a unique platform for businesses to showcase their products, connect with potential clients, and stay abreast of industry trends. However, with a plethora of trade shows spanning various industries and niches, choosing the right trade show for your business can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. So, how do you navigate this terrain effectively? Let’s delve into the art of choosing the right trade show. Define Your Objectives Before Choosing the Right Trade Show: Before delving into the myriad of trade show options, it’s imperative to define your objectives clearly. Are you aiming to generate leads, build brand awareness, network with industry professionals, or launch a new product? Understanding your goals will serve as a compass in guiding your selection process. Each trade show caters to different objectives, so aligning your goals with the focus of the event is crucial. Research Your Target Audience: Understanding your target audience is fundamental in selecting the appropriate trade show. Consider demographics such as age, gender, profession, and interests. Research which trade shows attract attendees that closely match your target demographic. For instance, a technology company specializing in gaming peripherals would likely find more value in attending gaming expos rather than general tech conventions. Evaluate Industry Relevance: Not all trade shows are created equal. Some cater to broad industries, while others focus on specific niches or emerging sectors. Evaluate the relevance of the trade show to your industry and niche. Look for events that attract key players, influencers, and decision-makers within your sector. Participating in a trade show that aligns closely with your industry ensures that you’re surrounded by individuals who understand your products or services and are more likely to convert into leads or collaborators. Assess Past Performance to Improve Trade Show Selection: One of the most reliable indicators of a trade show’s potential value is its past performance. Research the history of the event, including attendance figures, exhibitor feedback, and post-event analysis. Analyze factors such as foot traffic, lead generation opportunities, and return on investment (ROI) for previous participants. Positive testimonials and success stories from exhibitors can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the trade show in achieving business objectives. Consider Geographic Reach: Geographic location plays a significant role in determining the suitability of a trade show for your business. Consider whether you’re targeting a local, regional, national, or international audience. If your business operates primarily on a local scale, attending a national or international trade show might not yield the desired results. Conversely, if you’re business has established product-market-fit in the U.S. then national shows can offer invaluable networking opportunities and exposure to the entire market. Evaluate Costs and Resources: Participating in trade shows requires a significant investment of both time and resources. Evaluate the costs associated with exhibiting at each trade show, including booth rental fees, travel expenses, promotional materials, and staff wages. Calculate the potential return on investment (ROI) based on your objectives and projected outcomes. While larger trade shows may offer greater exposure, they also come with higher costs. Balance your budget constraints with the expected benefits to ensure that you’re making a financially prudent decision. Seek Feedback and Recommendations When Choosing the Right Trade Show: Don’t hesitate to reach out to industry peers, mentors, or professional associations for recommendations and feedback. Their insights and experiences can provide valuable guidance in selecting the right trade show for your business. Additionally, leverage online resources such as trade show directories, forums, and social media groups to gather insights from fellow exhibitors and attendees. Choosing the right trade show requires careful consideration of your objectives, target audience, industry relevance, past performance, geographic reach, costs, and resources. By conducting thorough research and analysis, you can identify trade shows that offer the best opportunities for achieving your business goals and maximizing your ROI. Remember, success at a trade show is not just about being present but about being present in the right place, at the right time, and for the right reasons. For an expanded view on this topic refer to our article The 3 Truths of Gaining U.S. Sales Traction. — About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Market-Entry, SelectUSA

Top Takeaways from the 10th Annual SelectUSA Investment Summit

Last week, the 10th annual SelectUSA Investment Summit took place from Sunday through Wednesday in Washington, DC. Having participated for the seventh consecutive year, we observed some noteworthy trends and insights that underscore the evolving landscape of investment in the United States. Here are our top SelectUSA Summit top takeaways: Interest in US Expansion Continues to Grow The allure of expanding into the US market remains robust, as evidenced by the diverse array of companies and investors present at the summit. The United States continues to be a prime destination for businesses seeking growth opportunities. This year, the enthusiasm for US expansion was palpable, with many international firms showcasing innovative solutions and exploring potential partnerships. The continuous interest underscores the US market’s reputation as a fertile ground for business growth, innovation, and profitability. The Support Ecosystem for Companies Expanding to the US Continues to Improve and Mature One of the most encouraging trends we’ve observed is the maturation and enhancement of the support ecosystem available to companies looking to enter the US market. From government programs to private sector initiatives, there is a robust network of resources designed to assist businesses in navigating the complexities of US expansion. These resources include: This improved support system not only makes the transition smoother for foreign companies but also enhances their chances of success once they establish a presence in the US. Founders Find More US Success by Focusing on Key Strategies Our discussions with various founders and business leaders revealed that certain strategies are particularly effective for achieving success in the US market. Here are the top three strategies that stood out: Customer Acquisition Over Government Incentives While government incentives can be beneficial, the primary focus for many successful founders is on customer acquisition. Building a strong customer base from the outset is crucial for long-term success. This involves understanding the target market, tailoring products or services to meet local demands, and implementing effective marketing strategies. Prioritizing customer acquisition ensures that the business generates revenue and grows organically, creating a solid foundation for future expansion. Building Strong Networks and Support Systems Instead of Going It Alone Another key takeaway is the importance of building robust networks and support systems. Founders who actively engage with local business communities, industry associations, and support organizations tend to fare better than those who attempt to navigate the market independently. Networking provides access to valuable insights, potential partners, and mentorship opportunities. It also facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration, which can be instrumental in overcoming challenges and accelerating growth. The benefits of a strong network are amplified when translating an international business to the US market. Focusing on Customer Density When Establishing Traction Rather Than Selling Countrywide Finally, a targeted approach to market entry proves to be more effective than attempting to sell across the entire country right away. By concentrating efforts on specific regions and industries with high customer density, businesses can establish traction more quickly and efficiently. This focused strategy allows for deeper market penetration, better resource allocation, and the ability to build a strong local presence before expanding further. Once a solid foothold is established in key areas, it becomes easier to scale operations and extend reach to other parts of the country and other industries. The 10th annual SelectUSA Investment Summit top takeaways highlighted the continued interest and potential for growth in the US market. With an improving support ecosystem and clear strategies for success, companies looking to expand into the US are better equipped than ever to achieve their goals. By focusing on customer acquisition, building strong networks, and targeting high-density markets, founders can maximize their chances of success and make the most of the opportunities available in the United States. As we look forward to future summits, we remain optimistic about the vibrant and dynamic landscape of US expansion. For an expanded view of the SelectUSA Summit top takeaways refer to our article The 3 Truths of Gaining U.S. Sales Traction. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney to discuss your U.S. expansion goals or +1 (860) 573-4821.

SelectUSA, Workshops and Webinars

Preparing for SelectUSA 2024 with Bryan Powrozek, Wipfli

Bill Kenney: Hello and welcome to the latest episode of Belly2Belly. Today, we’re delving into the topic of preparing for SelectUSA Investment Summit. Joining us is Bryan Powrozek from Wipfli. Welcome, Bryan. Bryan Powrozek: Hi Bill, thanks for having me. About Wipfli Bill Kenney: It’s a pleasure to have you here today. Our aim in these conversations is to assist companies attending SelectUSA in understanding and connecting with available resources at the event. It’s all about preparing for SelectUSA! Bryan, could you please take a moment to explain how Wipfli supports companies entering the US?   Bryan Powrozek: Certainly, Bill. Firstly, thank you for organizing this. From compliance to tax and financial statements, Wipfli offers advisory, consulting, and accounting services rooted in public accounting. As our clients’ needs evolve, we’ve expanded our services, particularly in international business. For SelectUSA-bound companies, especially those venturing into international business for the first time, we provide comprehensive support. This includes everything from setting up the appropriate legal entities to acting as an outsourced accounting department. We understand the challenges newcomers face, from navigating regulatory landscapes to cultural differences. Bill Kenney: Your insights are invaluable, Bryan. Navigating the complex regulatory and tax environments across different states can be daunting for newcomers. How does Wipfli assist in this regard? Bryan Powrozek: Indeed, explaining state and local tax regimes, often unfamiliar to newcomers, is a significant part of our role. Beyond compliance, we help companies understand cultural nuances, which can vary greatly even within the US. Our goal is to alleviate these burdens and ensure a smooth transition for our clients. Why SelectUSA? Bill Kenney: Face-to-face interactions, such as those at SelectUSA, offer unparalleled opportunities for networking and collaboration. Bryan, why does Wipfli participate in events like SelectUSA? Bryan Powrozek: Participating in events like SelectUSA allows us to connect with various stakeholders, from potential clients to economic development teams. The exchange of knowledge and the chance to forge meaningful relationships cannot be overstated. It’s an opportunity to contribute to the business community and offer our expertise. What About Preparing for SelectUSA? Bill Kenney: Face-to-face interactions are indeed invaluable. Preparing for SelectUSA can be daunting. Bryan, for companies attending SelectUSA for the first time, what advice do you have for making the most of the event and their trip to the US? Bryan Powrozek: Companies need to clarify their goals and devise a strategy before the event. Whether it’s establishing contacts or seeking specific information, having a plan in place helps maximize the event’s potential. Utilizing available resources, such as reaching out to economic development teams beforehand, can streamline the process. Ultimately, come prepared to learn and ask questions. Bill Kenney: Wise advice, Bryan. Planning and focus are key to making the most of such events. Thank you for sharing your insights today. Bryan Powrozek: My pleasure, Bill. Thank you for having me. Summary Points: Wipfli provides comprehensive support to companies entering the US, covering everything from compliance to accounting services, with a focus on understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by newcomers to the US market. Bryan highlights the importance of face-to-face interactions at events like SelectUSA, emphasizing the opportunities for networking and collaboration with various stakeholders, including potential clients and economic development teams. For companies attending and preparing for SelectUSA, Bryan advises clarifying goals, devising a strategy, and utilizing available resources to maximize the event’s potential, emphasizing the importance of planning and focus. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821. Meeting ended after 00:13:42 πŸ‘‹ Preparing for SelectUSA – Podcast Recording – Bryan / Bill (2024-03-15 15:11 GMT-4) – Transcript Attendees Bill Kenney, Bryan Powrozek Preparing for SelectUSA Transcript This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors. Link to the video Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure” — SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC — Bryan Powrozek, .. Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, MEET,

SelectUSA, Workshops and Webinars

SelectUSA 2024 Preparation with Dave Roccio, Lando & Anastasi

Bill Kenney: Welcome to another episode of Belly2Belly! Today, we’re joined by Dave Roccio from the law firm Lando & Anastasi to discuss SelectUSA Investment Summit preparation. Welcome, Dave. David Roccio: Hi, Bill. Thanks for having me. About Lando & Anastasi Bill Kenney: Great to have you here, Dave. Our aim is to help companies attending SelectUSA by providing insights into available resources beforehand. It’s all about SelectUSA preparation! Could you briefly outline how your firm assists companies entering the US market?   David Roccio: Certainly, Bill. We specialize in intellectual property law, focusing on patents, trademarks, and copyrights. For companies entering the US, ensuring their IP rights are protected is crucial. We help navigate the complex process of registering and safeguarding their IP assets, addressing potential hurdles that may arise. Why SelectUSA Bill Kenney: That’s invaluable support, Dave. You’ve been a regular at SelectUSA. What keeps you coming back to the event? David Roccio: SelectUSA offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and companies genuinely interested in doing business in the US. The networking opportunities are unparalleled, and the connections made have been immensely beneficial. Especially for us in the technology sector, the event provides a platform to meet startups and tech companies, which aligns perfectly with our focus. Preparation Tips for SelectUSA Bill Kenney: It’s clear that SelectUSA provides a conducive environment for meaningful connections. For companies attending for the first time, what advice would you offer to maximize their experience at the event? David Roccio: With such a vast conference, it’s essential to narrow down your focus. Firstly, consider participating in smaller group sessions or specialized segments like tech pitch sessions. These offer a more intimate setting for networking and discussions. Secondly, explore programs tailored to specific demographics, such as the Women in Tech mentoring program, for targeted support and advice. Lastly, don’t overlook collateral events or regional gatherings, as they often provide valuable insights and networking opportunities in a more relaxed setting. Bill Kenney: That’s excellent advice, Dave. Focusing on specific areas of interest and leveraging tailored programs can indeed enhance the SelectUSA experience. Thank you for sharing your insights today. David Roccio: My pleasure, Bill. Looking forward to seeing you in June. Bill Kenney: Likewise, Dave. Take care. Summary Points: Lando & Anastasi specializes in intellectual property law, assisting companies entering the US market with patent, trademark, and copyright matters, ensuring their IP rights are protected and compliant with US regulations. Dave highlights the networking opportunities and targeted connections available at SelectUSA, emphasizing the event’s value in facilitating meaningful interactions with companies genuinely interested in doing business in the US. For first-time attendees, Dave recommends focusing on smaller group sessions, exploring specialized programs tailored to specific demographics, and attending collateral events to maximize networking opportunities and gain valuable insights in a more relaxed setting. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821. Meeting ended after 00:06:54 πŸ‘‹ SelectUSA Preparation Podcast Recording – Dave / Bill (2024-03-14 15:02 GMT-4) – Transcript Attendees Bill Kenney, David Roccio SelectUSA Preparation Transcript This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors.   Watch the conversation here Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure” – SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC β€” David Roccio, – Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, MEET,

SelectUSA, Workshops and Webinars

How to Prepare for SelectUSA 2024 with Emily Smith, American Electric Power

Bill Kenney: Welcome to the latest episode of Belly2Belly! Today, we’re joined by Emily Smith from American Electric Power to discuss how to prepare for SelectUSA. Welcome, Emily. Emily Smith: Thank you so much for having me, Bill. About AEP Bill Kenney: Absolutely. Our goal is to provide companies attending SelectUSA with insights into the resources they can expect to encounter and foster pre-event connections to enhance their US expansion efforts. We’ll also look to give them some “how to prepare for SelectUSA” tips. Emily, could you share more about how American Electric Power supports companies looking to expand in the US? Emily Smith: Certainly, Bill. American Electric Power is one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the US, serving an 11-state footprint. We’re committed to facilitating economic growth in the communities we serve. We offer assistance to international companies in two main areas: establishing their presence in the US and providing ongoing support through our Aftercare services. Our expertise lies in power availability and cost, offering site proposals, custom research, and tailored energy solutions to help companies navigate the energy landscape and manage costs effectively. Why do You Participate in SelectUSA Bill Kenney: That’s impressive, Emily. With such a broad reach, I can see how American Electric Power plays a vital role in supporting economic development across multiple states. You’ve been a regular attendee at SelectUSA. What makes this event so essential for connecting with international companies? Emily Smith: SelectUSA is a cornerstone event for us every year. It brings together a diverse array of stakeholders, including our states, communities, customers, suppliers, and partners. It’s a valuable opportunity to engage with all these parties under one roof and showcase the benefits of expanding or locating within our service territory. Get the Most Out of SelectUSA Participation Bill Kenney: The networking opportunities at SelectUSA are indeed unparalleled. For companies attending for the first time, what advice would you offer to make the most out of their experience? How should they prepare? Emily Smith: Preparation is key. Having a framework or plan in place, even if it’s preliminary, can help companies navigate the event more effectively. Pre-scheduling meetings with specific stakeholders and setting clear objectives beforehand can streamline the experience. Additionally, familiarizing oneself with the event portal and identifying relevant resources ahead of time can be immensely beneficial. And of course, comfortable shoes are a must for making the most of the event’s offerings. Bill Kenney: Excellent advice, Emily. Preparation and planning can significantly enhance the SelectUSA experience for attendees. Thank you for sharing your insights today, and I look forward to seeing you in late June. Emily Smith: Likewise, Bill. Thank you for having me. Summary Points: American Electric Power, as one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the US, plays a crucial role in supporting economic development across an 11-state footprint by assisting international companies with power availability, cost management, site proposals, and custom research. Emily highlights the importance of SelectUSA as a key event for networking and connecting with various stakeholders, including states, communities, customers, and partners, providing a valuable platform for showcasing the benefits of expansion within their service territory. For first-time attendees, Emily emphasizes the significance of preparation, including setting clear objectives, pre-scheduling meetings, and familiarizing oneself with the event portal, to maximize the benefits of participating in SelectUSA. About MEET MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation: or +1 (860) 573-4821. Meeting ended after 00:07:30 πŸ‘‹ How to Prepare for SelectUSA Podcast Recording with Emily / Bill (2024-03-14 14:14 GMT-4) – Transcript Attendees Bill Kenney, Emily Smith Transcript This editable transcript was computer-generated and might contain errors. Watch the conversation here Read “Ready for SelectUSA? Crush this 12-Step Checklist to Make Sure” – SelectUSA Summit, 23-26 June 2024, Washington, DC β€” Emily Smith, – Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, MEET,

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