
Booth Review Pop Quiz #1

Thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s Pop Quiz!
The question was: What’s the number one issue or opportunity with this booth? The trade show booth review choices were:

  1. There’s too much text.
  2. The logo placement isn’t correct.
  3. There are multiple headlines.
  4. There’s non-descript imagery.
trade show booth review

Trade Show Booth Review

As of this recording, 92% of you selected too much text as the top issue. However, we actually believe the biggest problem is the presence of multiple headlines.

Here’s why: unless you’re an enterprise company, your booth’s primary goal should focus on prospect identification. A prospect at an event is someone with a need, a budget, and urgency. The key question is: How do we attract these people to the booth?

The most effective way is by having a provocative and targeted headline designed to grab the attention of your target audience. Supporting elements follow in this order:

  1. Headline: Direct, compelling, and relevant to the attendee.
  2. Imagery: Visually striking and aligned with the headline.
  3. Text: Minimal, complementing the headline without detracting from it.

Multiple Headlines

When there are multiple headlines or too much text, it distracts from the core message. It’s critical to focus attention on one clear, compelling headline supported by strong imagery. The more distractions—be it excessive text, competing visuals, or additional headlines—the less likely attendees will understand what you’re trying to communicate.

Remember, the main objective is to get prospects to stop. Once they’ve stopped, you can engage them with other marketing materials and conversations. At most events, true prospects—those who fit your ideal customer profile—make up a small percentage of attendees. That’s why it’s so important to differentiate them from the rest by compelling them to voluntarily engage with your booth.

One Compelling Headline

A well-crafted headline that resonates will not only draw more prospects but also ensure they are higher quality because they’ve chosen to engage on their own terms, rather than being dragged in.

We welcome your thoughts, questions, or challenges to these ideas! We test these strategies extensively, and our recommendations are rooted in validated insights.

Thank you again for participating, and stay tuned for our next quiz coming soon. Talk to you then!”

Additional Resources

For more on this topic, we suggest reading “Why an Effective Trade Show Booth is Essential for B2B Sales“.


MEET helps international B2B & B2G companies gain traction and scale in the U.S. through trade shows, events, and strategic connections. Contact Bill Kenney for a no-obligation conversation:  bill@meetroi.com or +1 (860) 573-4821.

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