Blog And News

Nailing the Follow-up

Devising a follow-up plan before you leave for an event is the best way to maximize ROI, plain and simple. At MEET, we specialize in devising strategies to get the most out of every event for our clients. Here’s a peek at how we do it. Prioritizing contacts At high-value

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Help Your Event Team Help You

Event teams may be the most under-utilized resource at important trade show events. For opportunities like the upcoming SelectUSA Summit, where and how your team members present themselves will be a major predictor of ROI. Train to divide and conquer It happens quite often that we see events teams huddled

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Maximize your ROI at SelectUSA with an Opportunity One-Sheet

When heading to a high-value event like SelectUSA, it’s important that you are equipped with the right tools to make the best first impression. In our last post, we talked about the importance of fine-tuning your value proposition and self-introduction to ensure that every interaction is congruent with how you

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Introducing yourself at SelectUSA

With 75 years of trade show and in-person event experience under our belts, we’re not exaggerating when we say that SelectUSA is 10x better than any trade event that we go to annually. With every U.S. state represented plus a full array of resources and organizations that support U.S. market

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What’s your strategy for SelectUSA?

SelectUSA is an unrivaled opportunity for international firms looking to scale to the U.S. market. We believe the knowledge gained from Economic Development Organizations, investors, service providers, and network resources, coupled with the maturity of the companies in attendance, makes SelectUSA a hard event to beat. At MEET, we help

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How to leverage every opportunity at SelectUSA

For many international companies looking to scale to the U.S. market, SelectUSA is a once in a lifetime opportunity. In our last post, we discussed how to goal-set your SelectUSA strategy plan and design an agenda that reflects your clearly defined priorities. In this post, we’d like to provide a

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Creating Your SelectUSA Success Plan, Part 1

Last year, the team at MEET joined more than 3,000 international business investors, U.S. economic developers, CEOs, government officials and market-entry thought leaders at the 2018 SelectUSA Investment Summit. Unequivocally, SelectUSA 2018 was the best trade event we’ve ever attended and we’re thrilled to be returning this year. For companies

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Maximize Your Trade Show ROI by Running Through the Finish Line

Trainers and experienced athletes will always say, “It’s not enough to complete the race—you need to run through the finish line.” After months of hard work and training, it might seem obvious that you’d do everything to maximize your results. The reality, particularly for less experienced runners, is quite the

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Scaling to the U.S. Market? Time to Sweat the Small Stuff

It’s easy for international CEOs who are scaling to the U.S. market to get completely absorbed by tangible tasks like fundraising, customer validation, and team building. While these milestones are fundamental to any U.S. market entry endeavor, there remain less tangible, “softer” tasks that scaling CEOs must master in order

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3 Steps to Fundraising Your International Scaling Venture

Few companies are able to fund an international scaling venture completely on their own. Effective fundraising requires striking the right balance between proving your ability to succeed and making a strong case for how funding will get you there. In essence, you need the chicken and the egg. To explore

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MEET 2019 Webinar Schedule

  January 24 Issues and Opportunities When Entering and Endeavoring to Scale in the U.S. Market with Blair Parks, U.S. and Canada Business Manager, Mayor’s International Business Programme at London & Partners February 25 The Top 5 Mistakes that Exhibitors Make at Trade Shows and What to do About It!

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Building Your U.S. Market Entry Team

The task of building a U.S. market entry team is full of tough decisions. For example: Should we transplant key leadership from the home market or just hire locally? How do we maintain company culture and quality of service from so far away? What kind of investment is necessary to

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The Answer to U.S. Market-Entry is Not in the Tea Leaves

Succeeding at U.S. market-entry is such an enormous task it’s no wonder people look for shortcuts. And yet, it is these shortcuts, these efforts to predict success without the investment to prove it, that are the greatest source of failure for scaling firms. To explore this topic of how to

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Getting U.S. Market Entry Right the First Time Around

The phrases “fail fast,” fail often,” and “fail better” abound the literature on successful entrepreneurship. Yet regardless of one’s exposure to the idea of failure, it’s never easy, particularly for entrepreneurs who have already experienced the feeling of starting a successful company. One of the greatest challenges foreign-based firms face

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U.S. Market Entry the Octopus Ventures Way: Part 1

Are you a CEO considering U.S. market entry? The decision to scale into the U.S. market, followed by the execution, is not for the faint of heart. That said, according to the World Bank’s Doing Business Project and statistics shared by SelectUSA, the United States ranks in the top ten

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The Top 5 Mistakes Trade Show Exhibitors Make

With 75+ years of experience in trade shows and in-person events, we’ve witnessed many mistakes made by trade show exhibitors. Fortunately, they’re easy to fix—the first step is to recognize when you’re making them. At MEET, we help international B2B growth companies soft land and scale in the U.S. through

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The Key to Identifying High-Quality Prospects

It turns out that the key to identifying high-quality prospects isn’t a huge marketing budget or a massive sales team. Rather, the key to identifying high-quality prospects lies in the precision with which you execute your strategy. At MEET, we help international B2B growth companies soft land and scale in

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U.S. Market Entry, When is the Right Time to Scale?

For many companies across the globe, U.S. market entry represents unrivaled opportunity, a veritable pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And while many international firms do find success on U.S. shores, others are forced to retreat with empty coffers. The decision to scale in any market is

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Common Pitfalls When Endeavoring to Scale in the U.S. Market

Back in January, we explored issues and opportunities companies face when endeavoring to scale in the U.S. market through an interview with Blair Parks, U.S. and Canada Business Manager for the Mayor’s International Business Programme, London & Partners. The Mayor’s International Business Programme is a free 12-month program designed to

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Quantify your Trade Show Strategy Plan with an Event Cookbook

MEET helps B2B growth companies develop and effectively leverage trade show strategy plans. One way we do this is by offering customizable tools to maximize ROI for every prospect facing opportunity. Among our most popular tools is the Exhibitor and Trade Show ROI Cookbook (Event Cookbook). By setting goals and

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Measuring Milestones in your Trade Show Strategy

In our recent post, The Case for Calculating Trade Show ROI, we talked about the value of measuring trade show return on investment and provided some simple measures of success to get you started. While every sales process looks slightly different, each is characterized by a number of stages or

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The Case for Calculating Trade Show ROI

For anyone who’s tried to calculate trade show ROI, the following refrain may sound familiar: We know that 50% of marketing dollars are wasted, we just don’t know which 50%. While it shouldn’t be a mystery how marketing investments magically deliver (or don’t deliver) new customers, without a system for

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