Author name: Bill Kenney

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry

SelectUSA 2022 Preparation: A Visit with Ryan Combs, Research Triangle Regional Partnership

Link to podcast found HERE Transcript to podcast found below: Bill : Hi and welcome to belly to belly and today we are going to talk about Select USA 2022 preparation, and we’re joined by Ryan Coombs from the Research Triangle Regional Partnership, which is a mouthful. Ryan, welcome. How are you today? Ryan : I’m great. Thanks. It’s so nice to be with you today, Bill. Bill : It’s great to have you. And so, you know, I think our audience is, as I mentioned, they’re from all over the world. They’re looking to expand into the US and we’re really trying to provide them with some highlights of really good connections that they can make while they’re at select USA and I know you’ve been pre connect so that their time at select USA is more productive. So maybe you could take us through a little bit about what your organization does to help companies entering the US and specifically into the Research Triangle Park area. Ryan : Sure. So as you mentioned, I’m the executive director of the Research Triangle regional partnership. North Carolina is comprised of 100 counties, and I represent 12 of those counties. We’re one of the fastest growing regions in the country. We’ve got about 2 million residents in our region alone. North Carolina has 10 and a half million residents and my job really is to go out and promote the Triangle region and attract investment back to the region. And so when companies come, one of the things I do is I play the connector role and my job is to help. I know when companies are looking at the United States are overwhelmed with the size of the country, and they’re really nervous about what makes sense. Where should we go? They know the larger markets, they know New York, they know Boston, they know San Francisco and LA, but there’s so much more to the United States. And so my job is really to expose them to the strengths of our region and shrink the country and make them feel welcome and let them see that they can do everything they need to do business wise here in the Triangle region. Bill : Yeah, that’s fantastic. And certainly, you guys have just been burgeoning in terms of growth of so many different industries. And you know, thinking about Select USA and obviously you’ve been involved for years. Why are some of the what is it about Select USA really attract to and and, and, you know, helps in terms of your connection to companies coming in from overseas? Ryan : Well, the US Commercial Service does a really good job of promoting Select USA internationally and we see lots and lots of investment coming overseas, especially from Europe, a lot of investment from Europe. And so select USA really is a great opportunity for companies to come learn how to do business in the United States. But it’s also a great opportunity for organizations like mine, to be exposed to a lot of companies in a short period. of time in one location in Washington DC. Bill : That’s, that’s perfect. So, you know, thinking about USA and there are obviously so many different components. One of the components is are the spin off events and you all are hosting a spin off event that’s associated with Select USA. Maybe you could give us some highlights of that and what you know, who’s particularly, you know, a good target or a good prospect to come to your to your spin off. Ryan : Sure. So our region really is kind of a microcosm of the United States. We’ve got an urban core, centered around the Research Triangle Park, which is the largest research park in the country. But we also have rural communities that are just right outside of our urban core, where we’re really doing a lot with manufacturing. And so you can come you can do your R&D. We have three tier one research universities, within a 30 mile radius of one another. Companies love to come and do research with those universities. It’s very easy to work with them. They’re coming for the talent as well. We have 12 colleges and universities here. 176,000 students 46,000 annual graduates so the talent pipeline here is very unique. And it’s not replicated in a lot of parts of the country with the high concentration of graduates and especially PhDs or regions, the fourth highest concentration of PhDs in the country, but you know, for us, like I mentioned earlier, you know, a lot of people still don’t know the story of North Carolina, they don’t know the story of the Research Triangle region. And so for us, being a spin off city is great because it gives us the opportunity to expose international companies to what’s happening here. We’ve got you know, we’re the fourth largest Life Science cluster in the United States. We’re one of the fastest growing tech sectors in the country. Both Google and Apple are both building big tech campuses here. We’re very strong in agriculture technology as well. North Carolina is still our largest sectors. agriculture contributes about 100 billion to our economy every year, clean tech and then I’ve already mentioned manufacturing. So we’ve got something for everybody. That’s a very diverse region. And there’s a way for everyone to fit in here. So it’s just like I said, the spin off is an opportunity for us to showcase the strengths of our region and national companies that may have never heard of us to a different part of the United States. Bill : Oh, that’s great. And so, you know, again, thinking about these companies that are coming and you know, in some cases they’ve been the founders and representatives have been to the US before, they may have operations already here. And other cases, you know, this is, you

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry

SelectUSA 2022 Preparation: A Visit with Jessica Reynolds, Maryland Department of Commerce

Link to podcast found HERE Transcript to podcast found below: Bill : Hi and welcome to the next episode of belly2belly and today we’re again talking about Select USA preparation. There’s just so much to do and a lot of excitement is building for this event this year and today, we’re joined by with Jessica Reynolds from the Maryland Department of Commerce. Welcome, Jessica. Jessica : Thank you. Bill : It’s Oh it’s great. It’s great to have you today and in Maryland certainly is in a perfect location for a lot of companies. And can you talk to us a little bit about your service and what the Department of Commerce does to help companies coming into the United States and particularly into the Maryland region? Jessica : Absolutely. So our office of international investment and trade in the Maryland of Department of Commerce is the office tasked with assisting foreign companies to come into the state. So we see ourselves a little bit as maybe like the ombudsman for for those companies, you know, they’re they’re maybe interested in Maryland you know, there’s different counties to consider and and there’s so many resources and services you may need and how to connect all of those I mean, we can be sort of your your one stop shop for that, and help help you navigate the the region and help you find what you need. Specifically, you know, we can certainly assist with things like site selection, identifying specific service providers, such as your lawyers, your accountants, etc. And making introductions to other state agencies, to the local industry associations, etc. And helping you get connected and set up. We’ve also created recently, we launched at the last Select USA summit, the Maryland soft landing program, which is targeted towards some of those smaller and medium sized companies that maybe need even a little bit more support as they explore US market. And, you know, we’d be happy to speak with companies about that. More at the summit as well. Bill : Oh, that’s great. Wow. So connecting and support and helping with that soft landing. It sounds like a real good combination. So, you know, obviously Maryland has, as a state has been participating in Select USA for many years, but why why Select USA? What about the event itself is Do you see it so important for helping international companies? Jessica : Sure. Well, I mean, this is the premier, you know, events for investors to come and explore the US market, right? I mean, this is put on by our federal government. So from that perspective, there’s a benefit. You know, we’re working with our federal partners in this. Also, many states participate if most, if not all states participate. So for one thing, we certainly wouldn’t want to skip it while other states are there. You know, and, you know, this year it happens to be on our home turf. The Select USA Summit is being held at National Harbor, which is actually located in Maryland, right across the border there in Maryland. So, of course, we wouldn’t want to miss that. There’s a benefit to us, you know, from working with Select USA in particular, because with this summit, you know, the government does work with the investors who are coming in. So from the states perspective, you know, we know that the companies who are coming to this summit, you know, they’ve they’ve already kind of gone through that process and are ready, you know, ready to, to invest so that’s, that’s exciting to be at an event where you know, everyone that you’re going to speak with no matter what the industry you know, they’re kind of at that stage, they’re ready to take the next step. Bill : That’s cool. I, you know, I didn’t realize national, Harper was in Maryland, so it’s a home game that’s Jessica : yes. so of course, I’m letting them know Bill : That you’re hosting that’s so I love it. I love a home game. That’s really good. That’s cool. So and this is a perfect segue because people can go right from your home game at the Select USA summit to a spin off event in Maryland as well which, you know, a lot of our audience may not know what a spin off event is. Do you want to kind of talk through the kind of the goal of the spin off event and who you’d like to attract to it? Jessica : Sure. Sure. Yes. So in part because, you know, the event is being hosted. So you know, in Maryland, we are offering actually three spin off events. So the spin off events, the purpose of those is just to give the companies that are attending an opportunity to tour or see something more in depth. And in our case, we’re offering some special events that are industry specific because of course, the Select USA Summit is broad, it covers all industries, all markets. And so we do have three spin off events that are intended to be more targeted. So our spin off events are going to be held on June 23 and 24th. There’s three different I guess you could say choices or tracks to choose from, but there will be held on those dates and the events, the spin off events will be like a full two full days. We’re including transportation and you know all the things that companies would need for that day. Our spin off events are have three topics. The first one is bio and med tech, biotech and medtech. So life sciences companies, if they are interested in investing in the US, they’re looking for a spin off event. We do think marijuana would be a great choice for them. You know, we were the fourth largest cluster and life sciences cluster in the United States. And, you know, there’s a

Exhibitor Tips, Market-Entry, Workshops and Webinars

Digital Marketing Strategies for Market Entry How to Test, Gain Traction, and Scale

Jeffrey Cohen, Vice President at Imageworks is interviewed by Bill Kenney, Founder and Client Advocate at MEET about Digital Marketing Strategies for Market Entry How to Test, Gain Traction, and Scale on the Belly2Belly podcast. Listen on iTunes or Spotify Watch on YouTube Bill : Welcome to the belly to belly podcast where we explore in-person business to business marketing. This episode is brought to you by MEET, the company that helps international companies exhibit at US trade shows. Check them out at Welcome, everybody. My name is Bill Kenney, and I’m here with Jeff Cohen from ImageWorks. This is the belly to belly podcast. It is a product of MEET and we help international companies exhibit at US trade shows. So one of the things that is so important with trade shows and really any marketing is is to have an integrated approach and to look at really a variety of ways that you can amplify what you’re doing and really nothing speaks to that more than what you can do today with in terms of digital media and we’re so excited to have Jeff Cohen here with us. That’s Jeffrey, welcome. Jeff : Thanks. Hey, everybody. Bill : So we have people, Jeffrey. So you know, we have people watching this from all over the world, what they’re concerned about is, you know, how do I get into a new market is effectively and efficiently as possible. And these are all b2b companies typically looking to attract, you know, that executive buyer who certainly is going to have specific needs they’re going to need, they’re going to have certain language opportunities and whatnot. So we’ll let’s get into that in just a couple minutes. But first, before we do, let’s make sure people know who you are your company, so that there’s context to your comments. So do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself? I know you’ve got a company called image works, but how did you get here? Jeff : Yeah, how long do we have for this? Bill : maybe a minute. Jeff :Very storied past I actually have two different degrees, because I made a career change 30 years ago. So I have a degree in graphic design and then I have I went back to school to become a computer programmer, because I wanted a career change, not because I was smart enough to know that well if you wait another 10 years graphic design and programming are going to merge and this thing is going to be called the internet. So yeah, I found myself uniquely qualified once the internet was born. Bill : Cool, thanks to Al Gore and all his hard work. Jeff : Yes, of course. Bill : So, let’s talk about imageworks you all and I’ve known you for many, many years now. And you know, it was originally a sort of web design firm. You all have you know, bolted on as the internet is developed as really digital media is develop, you have bolted on significant additional capabilities, but do you want kind of walk us through what you all do? Jeff: Yeah, Sure. So that’s that’s actually I forget how long we’ve known each other. But it used to be that probably for the first 10 years, we were in business and we’re in our 23rd year, just to give some perspective. launching the website was the end of the project, we would shake hands, we would get paid, we would launch the website, we’d all raise a glass and good luck and they call us once every whatever if they needed update to the site. The launch of the website now has become the beginning of the digital marketing process, not the end. So we sort of and I don’t want to diminish the importance of a good website, but that’s sort of the window dressing. And I can hear a lot of people in my industry groaning at me saying that, but you have a lot of options now for getting a simple website. Done. Especially if you’re in a small service business, if you’re a restaurant, you know, you need five pages, a map with directions, pictures of your food, your menus, how to order. simple stuff, you have a lot of options of where to go. Now if you want to get that website found, that’s a whole different discussion. And that sort of begs the question now what? So about 10 years ago, we started adding the now what services in those are it’s a huge array of paid search and inbound marketing and reputation management, social media, and search engine optimization and retargeting and remarketing. It’s a really big bucket. But that’s sort of, that’s our growth area. That’s what we focus on online lead generation getting people’s phones to rank. Bill : And how long have you been working with international companies? I know you’ve worked with Many over over several years long, Jeff : yeah. Um, so I would probably say maybe 15 years. Hmm. And that has changed even more dramatically than our industry. But yeah, there’s there’s It comes with certain complexities. But yeah, for a long time, we had companies who came into the US or opened up the North America division of a German manufacturer for quite some time. Bill : Hmm, cool. So let’s then that’s an awesome segue to really hop into our topic. So I know that you’ve seen some sort of the good, the bad and the ugly of market entry with regard to digital media. Let’s talk about some of the challenges that you’ve seen. international companies have when they’re when they’re entering a new market, and Kind of pitfalls that maybe have happened on the way? Jeff : Yeah, so, um okay, so there’s the language and cultural barrier and these are in no particular order. But really having someone on your

Exhibitor Tips, Workshops and Webinars

Leveraging LinkedIn for Market Entry How to Create Your Future Advocates

Bill Kenney, Founder and Client Advocate at MEET interviews Laura Hannan, Co-Founder and Director of Client Success at Pitch121 on the Belly2Belly podcast. Listen on iTunes or Spotify Watch on YouTube Bill: Welcome to the belly to belly podcast where we explore in-person business to business market. This episode is brought to you by MEET, the company that helps international companies exhibit at US trade shows. Check them out at Welcome, everybody. And this is belly to belly, our podcasts for MEET. And we’re a company that helps international companies exhibit at US trade shows. And the whole goal of this podcast is to really help you get the most out of your marketing and leverage, really all the resources you have. And we’re so delighted today to have Laura Hannan with us from pitch one to one. Laura, welcome. Thank you very nice to be here to see Bill. Oh, it’s wonderful to see you. So when we got started talking. It sounds like you had a bit of a role change. And now you’re the director of client success, and you’re a co-founder of the company. So what is the director of client success? What’s your job? Laura: Ah, all right. Well, let’s you know, when you’re a business owner, you’re doing everything I do. I am lucky to have a co-founder, Fergus Parker, so I lead on well, it says on the tin, it’s the director of client success. So I do have an account manager who is managing sort of day to day tasks with clients and I get to have the wonderful job of overseeing the strategy and just making sure that they get ROI. You know, it’s, it’s as simple as that. So all that we’re aiming for is for our clients to be happy and delighted and never cancel. Yeah, so obviously, the job gets bigger and bigger over time because we’re now in the beginning of our third year of business. And you know what the great thing about having this overview across lots of clients is that ideas come from everywhere. So you can really sort of them the platform changes, LinkedIn changes the way that people are using and consuming content changes, and I get to do the innovative stuff, you know, seeing what other people are doing, testing things, seeing what’s working and moving our product on. Bill: So cool. It sounds like you think a lot like we think and that is, you know when we think about serving our clients, it for us, it’s, it’s really what our job is to assure that our relationship matures and it’s successful enough for the client to where they’re a wonderful advocate for our services. And so that you know, with that as our sort of true north, it becomes very easy to make decisions. about what your service should be. It’s very, obviously very aligned with the right outcomes for your client, which Laura: I bet your network is full of future advocates and current advocates, Bill: Hopefully, and we’ll get into that, for sure. And certainly talking about your methodologies. But before we do, and just so everybody knows, so, you know, the real goal of this podcast is to help give you very useful information. And obviously, to do that we want to have context in terms of the information we’re sharing. So you all you and Fergus formed pitch one to one how many years ago Laura: And just over two years ago, cool. Bill: Excellent. And so what was the original impetus? What was it that caused you to do it? Laura: Okay, so I’ve been in sales for years and years as a sales practitioner and Ferguson I used to work on the same sales team. I’m looking at the date now. Let’s find out how many years was 14 years ago? And Bill: You were just a teenager then? Laura: Yeah, yeah, I was just, you know, thing. And what have we we’re in a content marketing agency. And I think that what you see in pitch One to One is the mix of burgers and I salespeople. But, but selling inbound marketing products, you know, we were selling content before content marketing was a phrase and you will see those influences coming in to pitch one to one. I think the thing that we discovered when we were working there, Fergus, by the way, ended up you know, working there for over a decade and becoming CEO of the company. The thing that was really overwhelming to us nothing because I went and worked for digital agencies and after that is then a tech startup after that is the time I worked at this content marketing agency was when I was the most effective at selling in terms of every quarter hitting my results. Why? Because we had telemarketers that would set up the meetings, then I’m not concentrating on lead gen, as well as closing as well as delivering a client and there is this. There’s a book called Predictable Revenue, which I’m sure some of your listeners will know. And it’s, you know, it’s absolutely convincing that you shouldn’t have your expensive salespeople, the salespeople are expensive, doing 360 sales. Obviously, telemarketing used to be effective and became less and less effective and you know, the, you need to adapt to how you’re doing lead gen. And but actually, the principle remains the same. That if you have your salespeople focused on just that part of the funnel, you’re going to help them to avoid that roller coaster of a great, great quarter. You’re so focused on closing that you haven’t done any legal so the next quarter is awful. And so that’s basically what pitch One to One is, is based on is, you know, working with in house teams to make sure they’ve got a predictable funnel, you know, got new opportunities coming in. Bill: And so your

Exhibitor Tips, Workshops and Webinars

MEET 2019 Webinar Schedule

  January 24 Issues and Opportunities When Entering and Endeavoring to Scale in the U.S. Market with Blair Parks, U.S. and Canada Business Manager, Mayor’s International Business Programme at London & Partners February 25 The Top 5 Mistakes that Exhibitors Make at Trade Shows and What to do About It! March 14 Reviewing “Question the Question”, Octopus Ventures treatise on the Keys to U.S. Market Entry with Priscila Bala, Head of Octopus’s New York Office April 9 A/B Testing to Validate Your Trade Show and In-Person Event Strategy May 7 May 14 Setting the Table: Creating Your SelectUSA Success Plan Assembling Your SelectUSA Toolkit June 20 June 25 SCALE NOW: Entering the U.S. Market through Trade Shows and In-Person Events What You Don’t Know Can Kill Your Business: Nailing Market Research for U.S. Market Entry July August September October November December

Exhibitor Tips, Return on Investment

Trade Show Strategy: Winning the Race Before it Begins

Your event should alwasys leave an impact to the audience. MEET ROI are one of the experienced trade show strategy planner to help you with all your needs. The late Danish sailor Paul Elvstrøm is a member of a very elite group—he is one of six athletes ever to win four consecutive individual gold medals in Olympic history. This in addition to eight world championships has often left aspiring Olympians and sailing aficionados to ask: what made Elvstrøm so successful? Early in his career, Elvstrøm discovered that the key to winning races was not simply performing well on race day. The key was to develop a strategy. By discovering a technique to more efficiently use his body weight, innovating features of his sailing equipment, and training—relentlessly—Elvstrøm proved that 90% of winning the race took place before it even began. In other words, preparing for the race was more important than sailing it. At MEET, we believe the Elvstrøm ethos applies perfectly to trade shows. Forty plus years of event experience has taught us that 90% of the success that comes out of trade shows happens as a result of the work that is done before the event ever takes place. Defining success at a trade show To understand trade show success, let’s begin by considering why companies attend trade shows at all. Most marketing dollars are spent with the hopes of someday getting face-to-face with target prospects. When optimized, trade shows deliver the most efficient approach to this objective by providing the venue and the audience for these transactions. However, identifying quality prospects in volume can be difficult. In the absence of proper preparation, exhibitors are at risk of squandering valuable time and resources and ultimately coming home with a stack of business cards that have no significance for their business. Exhibitors should have one goal when attending a trade show: to identify and engage high-quality prospects. Achieving success requires strategy, and strategy requires preparation. Step 1: Developing your Trade Show Strategy Plan The first step to developing your trade show strategy plan is to understand your prospect. We’ve found that many companies expand the concept of a prospect in hopes of capturing more leads. In reality, quality prospects make up a very narrow segment of the market. Just as a wider net does not necessarily catch better fish, broadening the definition of a prospect does not necessarily deliver better leads. Prospects of today have three key qualities: a bona fide, self-realized need; the resources to satisfy that need; and a sense of urgency—they need a solution today! Without each these three qualities, a lead does not qualify as a prospect. Remember this in 3-words: Need Money Now Therefore, the first step to developing your trade show strategy plan should be to invest time in profiling your target prospect and aligning your strategies, materials and calls to action to this individual. Knowing your target prospects and possessing the right tools to reach them will not only maximize the value of each trade show experience, it will be the cornerstone of your annual trade show strategy. Why develop an annual trade show strategy? Annual trade show strategies create a steady stream of quality prospects throughout the year, eliminating the lulls and spikes that make growth challenging. There’s a careful balance between wanting to grow and over-investing in creating leads that you can’t follow up on. Thinking from an annual perspective will ensure a steady stream of high-quality prospects while maximizing your investment in each event. All this takes planning—time invested before you ever hit the trade show floor. For more information about what it takes to develop a trade show strategy and common challenges to achieving trade show success, check out our monthly webinar series. At MEET, we believe that trade show strategy planning is not for an elite group of exhibitors. When investing time and resources in a trade show, every company should take the necessary steps to maximize their results. Because why not go for gold. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact: Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Career Opportunities, Uncategorized

Career Opportunity: Business Research Associate

Business Research Associate All appropriate candidates can apply directly to Kelly Kenney ( Candidates should include their resume, references related to business research work, and their current availability. Preface: MEET is a results-based organization. We collaborate to set realistic expectations and milestones around projects and you manage your schedule to achieve them. Company Overview MEET helps growth companies and economic development agencies effectively exhibit at trade shows. We change outcomes by helping clients engage and enroll quality prospects in-person. We develop strategy, provide staffing, secure speaking opportunities, enroll prospects, set appointments, and measure results. Our focus is on continually improving each client’s event participation ROI. Position This is an independent contractor position. This position is responsible for managing ongoing business research projects across several clients. The ideal candidate is a detail-oriented, curious, and forward-thinking team player with the ability to turn event, market, and competitor data into insightful strategy maps. Once a strategy is set, continuously tracking identified segments to capture periodic opportunities that may present. This position also includes industry and competitive intelligence research as well as monitoring of RFP portals.  The role requires effective communication to MEET, the ability to manage multiple projects and creating tracking processes where appropriate. Yup, that means build the airplane while you’re flying it! Position Responsibilities Collaborate closely with MEET management to identify & align on research needs Prioritize research based on client objectives, resources & deliverables Manage timelines and milestones Communicate clearly and in an effective manner with MEET Assess multiple layers of identified data, prioritize on relevance to remove unnecessary inputs and present a cohesive recommendation based on discover insights   Manage client dashboard reporting needs, with a focus on providing well-thought-out insights and analyses Prioritize ad-hoc data requests and troubleshooting implications for our internal team members Utilize all the appropriate MEET and customer software and systems Establish best practices for improving our research processes Key Attributes 1-2 years of work experience in business research or relevant experience Ability to conduct critical analysis and identify key insights Proficiency in Microsoft Excel is a must (Bonus Points for Google Sheets) Strong written, verbal and visual communication skills Responsible for documenting standards and best practices methods Proactive and self-motivated Entrepreneurial, enthusiastic and client-focused Excellent problem-solving skills High level of accuracy and attention to detail Ability to multitask, prioritize and perform under tight deadlines Start Date Immediate Work Location Flexible Hours per week Flexible Compensation TBD based on experience and productivity How to apply: Contact Kelly Kenney at or +1 (860) 490-9550.

Workshops and Webinars

LOCALIZING COMMUNICATION: Connect with and Enroll Trade Show Participants

LOCALIZING COMMUNICATION: Connect with and Enroll Trade Show Participants A conversation with Fernanda Ave, Partner and the Intercultural Communication Specialist at Mirrai International Join us for this June 26, 2018 webinar. More info and register here. It doesn’t matter what you say, it’s what the listener hears that counts. Many companies have made the mistake of assuming that the marketing that has been successful in their current markets will be successful in their next. Communicating effectively is not easy when you’re in your home market. Communication becomes considerably more difficult when you enter new markets. Understanding the nuance of local customers and communication in each market that you operate is critical to sales and retention success. A localization strategy is a unique market approach a company takes to address purchasing habits, customer behaviors and overall cultural differences in each country it does business. When a business enters a new foreign market, it can be challenging to give buyers in that country a customer experience that feels familiar and comfortable to them. Creating country-by-country localization strategies ensures customers abroad benefit from the same quality experience they would expect from a local business. In this workshop, we’ll particularly focus on the challenges and best practices in localizing communication for trade shows and in-person events. Join us an learn the latest tips to localize your communication. Workshop Outline Setting the table Common challenges Best practices and strategies for successfully localizing you communication Your questions Our webinars and services are geared toward helping B2B growth companies gain fast traction in new markets and develop reliable streams of high-quality prospects. Feel free to share this invitation with others. Space is limited. Sign up today!!   ABOUT Fernanda Ave ( is a Partner and the Intercultural Communication Specialist at Mirrai International, a Vancouver based consulting company focusing in connecting businesses between Canada and Latin America.  Originally from Brazil, Fernanda lived in the USA and Italy before moving to Vancouver. Mirrai International ( is a consulting company that helps businesses be successful in an international market. We help our clients in all the steps of their new venture, including market research, marketing strategies, branding and helping them to connect with potential clients and suppliers. Mirrai also organizes business missions to stimulate the exchange of ideas, networking and discovering new technologies. Bill Kenney ( is the founder and client advocate for MEET. Bill has more than 30-years of experience in trade shows and in-person marketing as a participant, exhibitor, organizer, host, and consultant. He is a frequent and sought after speaker on many market entry and client acquisition topics. MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward.

Exhibitor Tips, Pavilions, Return on Investment, Workshops and Webinars

2018 MEET Webinar Schedule

note: hyperlink takes you to the registration or recording January 24 TIRED OF WASTING TIME AND MONEY ON TRADE SHOWS? How to Accelerate Sales February 15 February 20 PAVILION PITFALLS: Move from Greek Tragedy to Business Recruiting HERO! EVERYONE IS NOT A PROSPECT: How to Focus & Win at Trade Shows March 26 FIND AND SELECT THE BEST TRADE SHOWS FOR PARTICIPATION AND EXHIBITING April 27 BOOTH BAIT: Are You Attracting Flies or Prospects? May 15 May 30 Scale Now: Entering the U.S. Market through Trade Shows and In-Person Events 5 Reasons Why Your Salespeople Should Never Be in Your Booth and What to Do About It June 26 Localizing Communication: Connect with and Enroll Trade Show Participants July 26 Preparing Your Team: Setting Everyone Up for Success at Trade Shows and In-Person Events August 22 Leveraging the Entire Trade Show: Uncovering and Exploiting All Components and Added Value September 19 Nail the Follow-Up: Close More Sales October 23 Walking the Trade Show Floor: How to Get Value When You Can’t Exhibit November 19 Making a Kick-Ass Exhibit: Everything You Need to Know About Developing a Great Booth December 18 Benchmarks, Goals, Metrics, and ROI: Everything You Need to Know About Measuring Trade Show Results MEET helps growth companies effectively exhibit at trade shows. Contact Bill Kenney for a complimentary consultation at or +1 (860) 573-4821.

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