Pavilion Pitfalls: Webinar Sign-up

Pavilion Pitfalls

Move from Greek Tragedy to Business Recruiting HERO!


The intent of this workshop is to help economic development executives and business recruiting professionals to develop much better production from their trade show participation and pavilions.


When it comes to effectively hosting trade show pavilions we hear many challenges from economic development and business recruiting executives, including finding and selecting the best events, attracting and enrolling a steady stream of the best prospective ventures to recruit to their marketplace, and activating and optimizing how their client companies leverage the pavilion exhibiting opportunity.


Workshop Outline

  • Purpose and goals
  • Common challenges
  • Solutions for your success
  • Measuring results and adjusting
  • Your questions


Feel free to share this invitation with others. Space is limited. Sign up today!!


About MEET
Most marketing dollars are spent with the hope of someday getting face-to-face with the target prospect. Trade shows deliver the most efficient way to this objective yet pavilion hosts squander this opportunity.

MEET helps economic development agencies that host trade show pavilions improve business recruiting, drive return on investment, and activate pavilion client business exhibitors. MEET changes outcomes by engaging and enrolling quality prospects cost effectively. We develop and execute trade show strategy, provide staffing, secure speaking opportunities, support sales and measure results. Our only goals are to maximize your event participation return on investment and positively impact job creation in your region.

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