MEET 2019 Webinar Schedule


January 24 Issues and Opportunities When Entering and Endeavoring to Scale in the U.S. Market with Blair Parks, U.S. and Canada Business Manager, Mayor’s International Business Programme at London & Partners
February 25 The Top 5 Mistakes that Exhibitors Make at Trade Shows and What to do About It!
March 14 Reviewing “Question the Question”, Octopus Ventures treatise on the Keys to U.S. Market Entry with Priscila Bala, Head of Octopus’s New York Office
April 9 A/B Testing to Validate Your Trade Show and In-Person Event Strategy
May 7

May 14

Setting the Table: Creating Your SelectUSA Success Plan

Assembling Your SelectUSA Toolkit

June 20

June 25

SCALE NOW: Entering the U.S. Market through Trade Shows and In-Person Events

What You Don’t Know Can Kill Your Business: Nailing Market Research for U.S. Market Entry


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