Author name: Mollie Ring

Return on Investment, Uncategorized

The Case for Calculating Trade Show ROI

For anyone who’s tried to calculate trade show ROI, the following refrain may sound familiar: We know that 50% of marketing dollars are wasted, we just don’t know which 50%. While it shouldn’t be a mystery how marketing investments magically deliver (or don’t deliver) new customers, without a system for measuring return on investment, it’s very difficult to know what is wasted and what is not. Why trade shows deliver marketing ROI In B2B sales, most marketing dollars are spent with the hope of someday getting face-to-face with the target prospect. Trade shows deliver the most efficient way to this objective. Trade shows are the only form of B2B marketing that put you in direct contact with prospects. The challenge is that prospects are not labeled, therefore you need a highly effective mechanism for identifying them in the sea of trade show participants. Good marketing materials speak directly to your target prospects—those who have a need, the resources to fulfill that need, and urgency for a solution. How to know if you’re spending efficiently The answer is simple: measurement. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it, which is to say the only way to manage your marketing budget efficiently is to know precisely how well each mode performs and how to improve it. There are two types of measurements in trade show marketing: absolute and comparative. Absolute measurements are firm or known inputs to your strategy plan. Comparative measurements allow you to measure results across events and over time. Both should inform your decisions about how much to spend to maximize trade show ROI. How to calculate Trade Show ROI Return on investment measures what we get for what it costs, over what it costs. In other words: ROI = (Gains – Costs)/Costs The easy input in this calculation are the costs: direct and indirect costs such as  event fees, display costs and staffing. For more on cost considerations, check out our post: Factoring in Display Costs to your Trade Show Strategy Plan. Gains are a bit more complicated to calculate but when done well, point directly to your greatest marketing inefficiencies. Defining gains Defining gains or metrics for success will look different for every company. Whether it’s cards collected, number of quality prospects, or media traffic generated, there are hundreds of measures that one can use to define a successful event. The key with metrics for success is to determine which is the best indicator of future sales and to set up a simple process for measuring against it. 5 metrics for success Cards Collected We notice that 10%-30% of exhibitors today offer giveaways that have nothing to do with their product or service. The iPad is a perfect example—unless you’re in iPad sales.  As a result, the contacts generated through these giveaways more likely than not have very little interest in your product or service. Depending on the extent to which you have selected an offer that speaks directly to the unique needs and desires of your buyer personas, cards collected will be a useful measure of prospects engaged versus contacts who may or may not be prospects. Number of Quality Prospects Identified Assuming you’ve come to a trade show with pre-identified buyer personas, this is a measurement of how many of these target prospects enter your booth. Cost per Lead This is a calculation of your display costs over how many leads are generated in the booth. Media Traffic A measurement of your exposure, this is especially useful for younger companies that are scaling and investing in marketing to build brand identity as well as generate sales. Younger companies may see a more direct line between marketing and revenue generated, making this a more valuable measurement. Revenue Generated One of the challenges to using revenue generated as a metric for marketing success is the amount of time it can take, particularly for big ticket items, to complete the sales process. With delays of anywhere from 3 months to 6 years, it can be difficult to link unique sales to specific trade show investments and use that information to inform your marketing strategy. A Case for Measurement The case for measurement is not simply to calculate trade show ROI. Measurements allow you to see how various techniques or hypotheses are working, and answer vital questions such as: Have we identified the right buyer persona? Is our messaging attracting these buyer personas into the booth? Are they opting in based on our offer? Is our value proposition relevant? Does our offer actually get them to give us their contact information? Answers to these questions will not only improve your trade show ROI, they will create greater efficiency and consistency in your sales pipeline, which translates to steady growth. In other words, marketing dollars well spent. For more on how to use metrics to inform your trade show marketing plan, check out our recent webinar: Benchmarks, Goals, Metrics, and ROI: Everything You Need to Know About Measuring Trade Show Results. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Return on Investment, Uncategorized

Localizing Communication to Maximize ROI

Determining whether a foreign market is right for your product or service requires due diligence. Demographic diversity, cultural norms, regional and local language differences all play a critical role in discovering whether and how your brand will be received in a new market. Time and time again we see companies try to shortcut this process by simply translating their sales and marketing materials into a new language. In reality, translation is one piece of a much larger strategy we refer to as localized communication. For more on our approach to supporting companies looking to expand to the U.S. market, check out this post. What is localized communication? To answer this question, we spoke with Fernanda Ave, Partner and Intercultural Communications Specialist at Mirrai International. Mirrai International supports companies looking to expand into the Canadian or Latin American market by helping them navigate across cultures through localized communications strategies. According to Fernanda, the first thing to know about localized communication is that it’s not about translation. “Localized communications means understanding the market that you want to enter into and making sure that your brand is being accurately relayed. It means translating your company’s message to a new culture.” Of course, there is a translation element to localizing communication, even when those languages are the same. In Brazil, where Fernanda is from, she explained that words change in Portuguese depending on the city you are in. Regional nuances exist in the U.S. as well, which may impact the way a brand is received. In essence, translation plays an important role in localized communication, but the first step is to understand your market on a cultural level. Common pitfalls to communicating in a new market As an Intercultural Communications Specialist, Fernanda specializes in helping companies overcome common challenges to communicating effectively in foreign markets. We asked her to expand on those challenges and what strategies she recommends. “Most people assume that their marketing strategy will work everywhere and that’s definitely not true. Particularly in the U.S. or Canada, people assume that because these are big countries with strong economies their marketing strategies are going to work elsewhere.” Additionally, with the growth of digital communication and social media, the number of words that companies use to express themselves and their brand has shrunk significantly. While it’s become easier to access new markets, how and where one expresses themselves digitally is critically important. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Whatsapp, selecting the right social media platform based on regional preferences is critical. How to improve your understanding of a foreign market Step 1: Market Research Prior to expanding into a new market, companies should have a good handle of who their buyer personas are within their existing market. This includes their demographics, habits, needs, and desires as potential customers. The goal of new market research is to uncover who your buyer persona will be in this foreign context. This requires understanding the market a macro level in terms of culture, customs, purchasing practices, and expectations. Step 2: Adapt Buyer Personas Now that you understand the culture and expectations of the market, it’s time to adapt your existing buyer personas to the new context. Your goal is to identify those most urgent individuals or organizations for a solution to the problem you are solving. You will also need to discover the behaviors, habits, and preferences that indicate that someone is a qualified prospect. Step 3: Calibrate your Marketing Strategy With market research and buyer personas in hand, it’s time to revisit your marketing strategy to introduce and build your brand to find your target customers. This requires adapting your full range of marketing tools—from website, to collateral and signage—to meet cultural expectations in design and language. Good marketing research will uncover which marketing modes are most important to your target persona. For example, are they very focused on digital or do they still listen to the radio? All of that research goes into your marketing strategy. Localized communication ensures that your brand and message are received the way you intend. Among the list of investments one has to make when entering a new market, localized communication is sure to improve ROI. Check out our full conversation with Fernanda Ave on Localizing Communications here. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips

Your Trade Show Strategy Plan Should Focus on Four People

The goal of your trade show strategy plan is to produce more sales. But that doesn’t mean that your focus should only be on prospects. A well-executed trade show strategy plan that delivers ROI, targets four types of people (or four stakeholder groups) in attendance at any trade show: prospects, customers, partners, and centers of influence. Efforts to reach these four stakeholders take place in and outside the booth and leverage the skills of your entire team, including sales, marketing, and transaction professionals. (Curious about the role of transaction professionals in driving booth sales? Check out this post) Where and how to engage with your 4 stakeholder groups Inside the Booth The purpose of your exhibit booth is to identify volumes of quality prospects. A well-crafted booth offer (i.e. the right bait) will attract qualified prospects to your transaction professionals. Parallel efforts outside the booth helps to drive traffic in that direction. Outside the Booth At MEET, we make it a point in our trade show consultation strategies to place salespeople outside the booth.  We firmly believe that the best role for salespeople at a trade show is in pre-set 1-on-1 meetings with prospects who are already in the sales funnel, customers, partners, and centers of influence. When devising a trade show strategy plan, don’t be afraid to allocate half your sales team’s day to 1-on-1 meetings to deepen relationships with key people. Whether it’s signing an agreement or walking through a proposal, 1-on-1 meetings move the ball downfield and drive steady sales growth. Maximize the role of salespeople in your trade show strategy plan When attending a trade show, your sales team should have 3 goals: Close business with existing prospects (or at least move to the next sales-stage) Re-connect with and further penetrate current customer relationships Observe competitors, partners, existing customers and centers of influence to ensure they are up-to-date on the industry Beyond pre-set 1-on-1 meetings, you want your salespeople engaged in other strategies to effectively connect with your four stakeholders groups outside the booth. One way to do this is to make sure they have time to walk through the entire show. Every trade show strategy plan should include a strategic pre-mapped selection of relevant booths, and a staffing strategy that ensures each will be visited by a member of your team, maybe even different members at different times to get multiple views. Attending the show’s content is another key activity. When salespeople attend content that customers and prospects are interested in, they learn their language, hear how they communicate and are able to stay current on latest developments that matter to them. Similar to your strategy for walking the trade show floor, content should be pre-selected based on the level of attractiveness to your four stakeholder groups. As for building a schedule, prioritize 1-on-1 meetings in your sales team’s schedule first, varying who will go to each event, then add walking the floor, and content sessions. Three outside-the-booth touch points, one goal: to deepen relationships with your four stakeholder groups. Driving sustained growth Utilizing trade shows to produce sales is highly effective, but it’s not a single factor model. There are a variety of parallel efforts—in the booth identifying prospects and outside the booth connecting with customers, prospects, partners and centers of influence that drive sustained growth. A well-executed trade show strategy plan delivers a consistent flow of high-quality prospects. Focusing on all four of your key stakeholder groups helps to ensure that your investment in time and money is well spent. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Uncategorized

Maximize Booth Display ROI with an Agile Trade Show Strategy Plan

An agile trade show strategy plan approaches each event as an opportunity to test the strength of your value proposition and the effectiveness of your offer to attract qualified prospects. In our post on A/B testing, we talked about the value of rotating between offers in a single day or throughout a show as a means of hypothesis testing. An agile trade show strategy plan allows for these type of quick and easy adjustments based on new knowledge about your buyer persona. We suspect at this point you’re wondering two things: How can I remain agile while ensuring a strong brand presence? Is it more expensive to be agile when it comes to booth displays? We spoke with Joe Bottone, President of CDS Displays on the topic of brand presence and cost of investing in booth displays to help us answer these questions. Remaining agile while ensuring a strong brand presence According to Joe, modularity is an important feature in any booth display. Modular booth displays can be repurposed and redesigned over their lifetime and are less expensive to update and fix because they can easily be broken down. (For more on the 5 types of booth display designs, here’s Joe take) The ability to redesign a booth display based on the scale and scope of each event should in no way impact brand presence. Thanks to the evolution of new materials like fabric and aluminum, it is now easier to effectively brand a portable, modular display. “Aluminum is strong, light-weight and lends itself to modularity. You can reuse and reconfigure it, put fabric around it, light it, even mount a tv and add shelving. It’s a material we highly recommend for exhibits,” says Joe. How often should an exhibitor change his or her display? Irrespective of the small adjustments one makes inside the booth depending on the show’s target audience, we asked Joe from a brand presence perspective, how often he recommends investing in a new display. According to Joe, when it comes to changing your booth display, there are two schools of thought. Recognizable: Maintaining the same booth display year after year keeps your brand easily recognizable. Especially for prospects that expressed interest in the past but never entered your sales funnel, maintaining the look and feel of the booth is a useful way to trigger their memory. Unoriginal: Maintaining the same booth display could send the message to trade show participants, particularly those who attend the same show year after year, that your brand is outdated and unoriginal—i.e. a  “not that booth again” feeling. Joe recommends changing your booth display after the second year if you are participating in the same events year after year. He feels that “anyone who is trying to use the same exhibit for the third year in a row is doing a disservice to themselves.” Is an agile trade show strategy plan more expensive when it comes to booth display? The simple answer is no. In fact, not only are portable or modular displays less expensive, the ability to rapid test your hypotheses in a flexible display can significantly increase your trade show ROI. Joe recalled his own experience using a portable display with two messages printed on either side. “On day one we were fishing for some very specific people and we just weren’t getting the response that we would have liked to get from that message. So we flipped the display on day two with a completely different message and got a great response with qualified prospects.” A MEET, we consistently emphasize the importance of a well-tested offer, particularly for companies entering foreign markets. An agile trade show strategy plan focuses on the power of testing to drive higher transaction rates. How you invest in your brand presence and booth display should support, not undermine, your efforts to remain agile. Feel free to check out our full interview with Joe Bottone, President of CDS Displays on the topic: Making a Kick-Ass Exhibit: Everything You Need to Know About Developing an Effective Booth. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.


Designing a Trade Show Strategy Plan to Help Prospects Find You

An effective trade show strategy plan should do more to help prospects find you than you find prospects. Sound strange? Let us explain. The primary function of a booth in the B2B world is to identify high volumes of quality prospects. Ideally, you are able to identify all of the quality prospects at a particular show. We normally find that only 1-5 % of attendees are true prospects for any given client. At MEET, we define prospects as those who have a NEED, the RESOURCES to support that need, and a sense of URGENCY.  We refer to them as NEED-MONEY-NOW. For example, if they have a need and money but not urgency, they’re not a prospect. The key is to create a booth offer and staffing model that encourages prospects to self-identify. In other words, design a trade show strategy plan that helps prospects find you on the floor. Here’s where to start. Create an opportunity for people to opt-in. If you’re already familiar with the strategy of inbound marketing, you know that it can be a highly effective marketing tool for attracting online customers. The concept is designed to draw visitors and potential customers in through relevant and helpful content, rather than outwardly pushing a brand, product or service in the hope of generating leads or customers. This concept of inbound marketing translates well to the opt-in booth strategy at in-person events. As opposed to stopping people on the floor and pulling them into the booth to have a conversation, your goal is to create an offer that causes true prospects (NEED, MONEY, NOW), to self-identify. This trade show strategy plan places the prospect at the center and invites them into the booth to have the conversation they want to have as opposed to pulling people (prospects and non-prospects) in to have the conversation that you want to have. Start by picking the right lure As any good trade show consultation strategy will indicate, selecting the right booth offer is critical to prospect self-identification. Much like our favorite fishing metaphor, you need to choose the right bait, the right water, and the right depth to attract the precise fish you are aiming to catch. Your goal in selecting the right booth offer is for non-prospects to “swim by” and not take up your valuable time. Consistently we witness “enter to win” booth offers. Your prospect may want an iPad, but most of the people this type of offer will attract will not be qualified prospects. See our post on why over-crowding your booth with free gifts can be detrimental to your trade show strategy plan goals here. What type of offers do qualified prospects opt-in for? It may be a webinar, a one-hour consultation, an assessment,  a survey, a white paper, some form of check up or scoring tool—the right offer has unique and urgent value to your target buyer persona. Make sure your trade show strategy plan is optimally staffed Inviting prospects to opt-in to your booth with the right offer is the first step to maximizing trade show ROI. The second is to optimize your staffing plan to ensure that those who are there to meet your prospects are engagement and enrollment experts. Engagement and enrollment experts, also known as transaction professionals, are able to deliver your offer and convert prospects in 1-2 minutes. That translates to a minimum opportunity of 240 conversations in a single day. When compared with salespeople who, because of their training and expertise, tend to have 15 minute-long conversations, transaction professionals are 10 times more productive in the booth. What then should your salespeople do while transaction professionals are delivering your booth offer and enrolling prospects? You want them out of the booth, engaging in one-on-one meetings with trade show attendees such as current prospects who are already in the sales funnel, existing customers, partners, potential partners, and other strategic contacts. Every person who participates (i.e. devotes time and money) in a trade show has one goal represented in three simple letters: ROI. A trade show strategy plan designed to help prospects opt-into a product or service supports everyone in achieving that goal. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s trade show consultation strategies help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Uncategorized

Trade Show Strategy Plan 101: Set Up Your Sales Team Up for Success

With 50+ years of trade show and in-person event experience, we know salespeople play a critical role in your trade show strategy plan. Heck, we are salespeople! That is to say, we have a deep understanding of the skills necessary to move prospects through a sales and marketing funnel and nurture them to the point of conversion. That’s why we get concerned when capable salespeople are incorrectly utilized. In other words, given too many tasks that they can, though should not perform at a trade show or in-person event. MEET helps B2B growth companies effectively leverage trade shows and other events. In supporting clients with their trade show strategy plan, we focus on making booths more productive—a key predictor of ROI. Why? Because with nearly 100% of B2B marketing aimed at getting face-to-face with the target prospect, trade shows deliver the most efficient way to this objective. Today, trade shows are more relevant than ever, making how we execute our presence at them worth every minute of our attention. Setting up your sales team for success means placing them in roles that are best suited to their skill set and core responsibilities. So where do they belong at a trade show? The answer is not in your booth. 5 reasons why salespeople should never be in your booth Reason #1: Salespeople tend to have long conversations When you put someone who knows a lot about a product or service in front of a potential customer, they tend to flex that knowledge—resulting in (on average) a 15 minute-long conversation. At 15 minutes each, that’s a maximum of 32 conversations per day. Your trade show strategy plan should set that goal at several hundred conversations per day per booth staff, i.e. this ain’t going to cut it. (For more information on how a trade show consultation strategy can help to increase your transaction rate, check out this post.) Reason #2: Salespeople are focused on selling Seems like an obvious statement we know, but it’s an important reminder that salespeople sell because that’s how they are trained and how they’re used to being compensated. The booth, however, is not designed to generate sales; it’s designed for prospect identification. Converting prospects into customers is the job for salespeople after the work in the booth has been performed. Placing salespeople in the booth to identify prospects gives them a task that simply does not fit their DNA. Reasons #3, #4, and #5: There are much better roles for your salespeople at an event Meetings: One-on-one meetings are the most valuable way for salespeople to connect with customers, prospects, partners, and centers of influence identified as key stakeholders in your trade show strategy plan. Meetings can help move these relationships to the next level of your sales funnel. This is each salesperson’s highest leverage activity. Walk the show: send your salespeople out on the floor to identify and reconnect with these same individuals. This gives them the time to engage in longer, more meaningful conversations, gain a better sense of the competition, and improve their industry knowledge. Participate in content: You want your salespeople to be in every workshop that their prospects are in. You want them to learn the content and the language that resonates with their prospects. These spaces also provide additional opportunities for connection. (Check out advice from our own Trade Show Ninja Kelly Kenney on how to leverage workshops to connect with prospects.) There are a lot of fundamentals to putting together a highly effective trade show strategy plan. Setting your sales team up for success is not only important to your ROI, but it will also keep your best and brightest on board and ready for action. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Pavilions, Uncategorized

Factoring in Display Costs to your Trade Show Strategy Plan

Every trade show strategy plan starts with a careful calculation of ROI.  A variety of cost considerations go into this calculation, from event fees and travel, to costs associated with time out of the office and away from existing customers. A significant portion of any trade show event budget is the cost of the physical booth display. How much you choose to invest in a display is based on a number of factors, including booth size, event frequency, storage, and shipping. We spoke with Joe Bottone, President of CDS Displays on the topic of booth display costs and the importance of modularity when aiming to maximize ROI in your trade show strategy plan Top 3 Display Costs When breaking down the basic costs associated with booth display, Joe identified the top three as shipping, storage, and drayage—a term used to the describe the material handling fee charged by the shows’ managers to offload, store and reload exhibit displays. Drayage is a critical service for exhibitors forced to ship their displays. Joe notes that with rates that can exceed $2 per pound, exhibitors may be forced to spend $12,000 (and in one notable case $1 million) just to move in and out of a venue. Cost Optimization We asked Joe whether his clients aim to optimize their booth design within their trade show strategy plan to minimize costs like drayage, storage or shipping. If they don’t, Joe does. Joe makes it a policy to account for drayage, storage and shipping when designing a booth. He finds that the best way to offer a cost competitive solution is to factor in weight and modularity as they affect shipping and handling fees as well as set-up time. “I’ve seen companies send ten crates that take three days to set up and at the end of the show, I don’t see much difference between their booth and a booth that I could have shipped in two crates and set up in one day. They just spend $100,000 more than they needed.” Based on the range of optimization options, we asked Joe to define the different types of booths that CDS Displays offers and how they differ in terms of portability, modularity and cost. 5 Types of Booth Display Ultra-portable Displays Light-weight, easy to set up, move and store, these displays typically include a lot of fabric and pop-up banner stands that can be used for table tops as well as floor displays. Typically do not accrue shipping or drayage costs. Portable Displays Slightly more assembly than ultra-portable displays, easy to set up, move and store. May accrue shipping costs depending on the size of the booth. Modular Display Modular displays are portable and can be broken down into components, repurposed and resized for different shows and booth sizes. Do require shipping, however, are a lower risk in terms of replacement cost because each piece is easily substitutable. Custom Modular Displays Modular displays with handcrafted elements—archways, doorways, countertops that are customized for each client. Shipping, drayage and storage costs, as well as repair costs, start to increase. True Custom Displays Fully customized exhibits that accrue maximum storage, drayage, and repair costs. These exhibits also take the longest to set up, which impacts staffing time and overall trade show ROI. When factoring in display costs to your trade show strategy plan, Joe recommends the modular or custom modular approach. While impressive in the booth, they are easy to use and re-use at multiple events, ship and pack easily, and have lower repair costs. Ensuring the lifetime of their displays is one of the many services CDS Displays offers its customers. Following each event, CDS also offers to have every exhibit shipped back to them to ensure that displays are in good working condition for their next use. Feel free to check out our full interview with Joe Bottone, President of CDS Displays on the topic: Making a Kick-Ass Exhibit: Everything You Need to Know About Developing an Effective Booth. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Uncategorized

3 Steps to Preparing an Effective Trade Show Display: A Conversation with Joe Bottone Part 2

We’re thrilled to share Part 2 of our discussion with Joe Bottone, President of CDS Displays on the topic: Making a Kick-Ass Exhibit: Everything You Need to Know About Developing an Effective Booth. Our conversation with Joe was live-streamed on November 20th as part of a series we’re offering at MEET: Coffee and Conversation. Join us periodically as we chat live with experts and veterans in trade show, event, and complementary industries to hear their wisdom on common challenges and simple solutions for success. You can check out Part 1 of our recap, or feel free to catch the full interview with a fresh cup of coffee. The Purpose of the Trade Show Display The first step to designing an effective trade show strategy plan is understanding the purpose of the booth. For Joe, the purpose of the booth exhibit is to introduce your brand to new potential customers and to host and welcome existing customers. How you attract those new potential customers is with the right messaging and the right offer. Ideally, those who are not your targets, somewhere around 99-95% of those attending the trade show, will walk right by your booth. Sometimes attracting your target customers requires direct messaging. According to Joe, “if you’re at a show and your target audience is facility managers, you want your messaging to be as direct as saying – Hey! Facility Managers!” When Joe does booth trainings prior to a show, he requires that staff not only know their target audience, but have a question on hand that will immediately qualify them. “You don’t need to try and ask them a bunch of questions and get to know them if they’re not your target audience. It’s like door-to-door encyclopedia salesmen. The first question they’re trained to ask is “do you live here.” Because if you don’t, you’re not the right person to talk to.” Transitioning to how Joe custom designs his trade show displays, we asked him to describe the process he goes through to understand his customers’ needs. Step 1: Understand Pain Points Joe starts by finding out if his potential customer is an experienced buyer, meaning they have a current supplier, or if this the first time they are purchasing display services. For those who are experienced, he wants to know their pain points—why are they talking to someone new. For first-time buyers, he focuses on budget, timing, and what led to their decision to invest in these services. “You don’t want to overwhelm their budget or underwhelm their case. We can work with any budget. The question is what are they looking to achieve.” Step 2: Select the Right Show Joe digs right into show selection as a fundamental starting place for his trade show consultation strategy. “Because we have so many years in this industry, we really like to help customers avoid pitfalls early on. For example, we don’t want to see them investing time and money in a show that isn’t a fit for them.” “We try to get to know their business and customer scope and make sure that they’re selecting shows that reflect the market they’re aiming to serve. From there, we aim to understand their larger expectations. Whether it’s brand exposure, new leads, or product introduction—we want to understand their goals.” See our post on 5 Common Challenges to Identifying Your Best Trade Show Selection Process for more on how to avoid common pitfalls. Step 3: Custom Design the Trade Show Display Now it’s time to decide how to design the booth. We asked Joe what types of questions has asks to determine a booth’s concept. Size and height regulations are obvious places to start. Joe also wants to know how the exhibitor plans to use the space including product displays, meeting rooms, and storage. Finally, how many people will be working in the booth. To some extent, the final trade show display will be a reflection of whether the exhibitor is selling B2C, B2B or B2G – Business to Government, and whether the exhibitor is selling products or services. “It all depends on what the customer wants to bring. Whether it’s airplanes (really!), large machinery or just a few screens displaying their product or service, that will determine the design concept of the booth.” For more on how to design an effective trade show display, check out Part 1 of our interview with Joe Bottone. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Exhibitor Tips, Uncategorized

4 Common Challenges to Effective Trade Show Displays: A Conversation with Joe Bottone of CDS Part 1

In late July, our team at MEET launched an exciting series: Coffee and Conversation, periodic live-stream interviews with experts and veterans in the trade show, event, and staffing industries. Our goal with these conversations is to share the wisdom that comes from work on the ground and to identify common challenges and simple solutions. On November 20th we spoke with Joe Bottone, President of CDS Displays on the topic: Making a Kick-Ass Exhibit: Everything You Need to Know About Developing an Effective Booth. Before a single conversation ever takes place, trade show displays are the first form of communication with a potential customer. This makes their effectiveness a critical determinant of ROI. We started our conversation with Joe by asking about his path to leading and growing CDS. Joe started his career with CDS as a graphic designer, then moved around the company and eventually bought it ten years ago. With services that include design and fabrication for new displays and complete event management services, CDS services top brands like Pepsi, P&G, and Subway. As an expert in the field of trade show displays and exhibits, we asked Joe to reflect on the greatest challenges he sees from a display perspective. Challenge #1: Poor Visual Branding The first challenge Joe identified is when exhibitors fail to properly brand their booth. “You know it’s a problem when you stand right in front of the booth and you’re not sure what the company name is.” Exhibitors tend to overcrowd their branding with product lines, sub-brand names, and licensed logos. As Joe says, “you shouldn’t have to ask, you should be able to see it down the aisle.” Challenge #2: Vague Communications Slightly different from challenge #1, Joe identified when exhibitors fail to provide a clear description of their product or service in their trade show displays. “Companies have a tendency to feature esoteric statements like “Delivering the highest quality on time” or “Serving the industry since 1902” and you’re just left thinking: Delivering what? Which industry?” With a small exception to shows that are narrowly focused, exhibitors need to make sure they are defining their industry and their product or service in their display messaging. Challenge #3: Poorly Trained Staff Joe identified poorly trained booth staff as the next key challenge, specifically when booth staff fail to leverage the positive response their booth display is receiving to engage in more conversations. “It’s very common to have more people waiting to speak with someone in the booth than booth staff who are able to serve them. I find it really frustrating when I’m standing in front of a booth that I want to engage with and all the staff members are engaged in other conversations and fail to recognize that I’m standing there.” Pro tip! If Joe is engaged with a prospect and sees someone waiting in the booth, he’ll introduce the person who is waiting to the person he is speaking with and incorporate them into the conversation. Servicing two people at once may help audience members build connections and lead to richer conversation. Challenge #4: Over-crowded Display We asked Joe about his thoughts on overcrowding in trade show displays—i.e. too many messages and too many booth giveaway distractions—and his feelings on the old billboard adage that no more than 7 words are needed to effectively reach your customer. Here’s what he had to say: “A lot is predicated on the size of the booth. If you have a suite of products that are speaking to different personas/audience members, you want to separate your messaging. Color coding is a good technique to separate them out.” In summarizing the greatest challenges to effective trade show displays, Joe says: “The graphics on your display should not do all your selling. You don’t want someone to look at your display, read it and decide that they already know everything about it.  What they should do is pique some interest.” Stay tuned for Part 2 of our interview with Joe Bottone, President at CDS Displays, to learn more about developing an effective trade show display. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s trade show consultation strategies help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821.

Return on Investment, Uncategorized

Activating your Trade Show Strategy Plan for Effective Follow-up

At MEET, we’re not shy about emphasizing the importance of follow-up in any trade show strategy plan. Shows can be mind-boggling experiences, even for seasoned event teams, making follow-up the key differentiator and primary driver of ROI. In our recent post, we shared that  80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the meeting. 44% of sales reps give up after 1 follow-up. That means it’s not only important to start off strong but to be persistent, especially with those Priority 1 prospects. We interviewed Kelly Kenney, MEET’s Strategic Partnerships and Trade Show Ninja on October 23rd as part of our Coffee and Conversation series. On the topic: Walking the Trade Show Floor, How to Get Value When You Can’t Exhibit, we explored Kelly’s time-tested approach to effective follow-up. How do you differentiate your follow-up strategy? Kelly places a high value on making genuine connections with the people she meets at trade shows and believes that is what makes her follow-up strategy so effective. Genuine connections are made by asking good questions, relating to people on a personal level, and whenever possible, connecting them with other individuals she meets to help them achieve their goals. “I’ve gone to so many shows where exhibitors come up to me at the end and say, “You sent me four people, that was great!” It’s because I value networking. I’ll walk across the floor and introduce two people. Later on, that person in the booth will remember that I introduced them to someone valuable and will be more likely to remember me when I reach back out to follow-up.” How and when do you prioritize follow-up within your trade show strategy plan? Kelly uses a coding system to notate on the back of each business card she receives whether someone is a competitor, prospect or partner, and gives them a score of 1, 2, or 3. 1 = High priority. Follow-up occurs while Kelly is still at the show. 2 = Medium priority. Follow-up occurs immediately following the show. 3 = Low priority. Follow-up occurs over time, but not immediately. When does Kelly make these notes? Immediately. Because card exchanges usually take place at the end of a conversation, Kelly uses the time between conversations to find a quiet corner to jot down her score and something they talked about. “It’s amazing how much escapes. At first you think, of course, I’ll remember that! but when you talk to as many people as I talk to all day long at an event, it’s hard. When I get home, I have a stack of business cards and 98% have a little note of some sort.” What does the outreach component of your trade show strategy plan look like? Here’s where that little note about the conversation comes in handy. For the Priority 1 contacts, Kelly moves quickly. “I’ll go back to my hotel room that night and send them a note saying wow, that was a great conversation about X, while we’re at this event, do you want to catch a coffee and get together?” For the Priority 2 contacts, those who Kelly plans to connect with after the show, she typically follows up with a “great to meet you email” and a LinkedIn connection as soon after the show as possible. From there, she set an appointment, typically in 2-3 days. “I love LinkedIn, it’s my tool for networking. I actually look at your profile and I find something interesting about you and its connection to our conversation and use that as a tool for engagement.” Who is ultimately responsible for follow-up? Kelly is very clear that she is the person who owns follow-up 100% of the time. “I don’t care if you say you’re going to call me or schedule a meeting. I own follow-up and I never let that be the other person’s responsibility because I don’t trust anybody to do it.” Inform your trade show strategy plan with more expert advice from Kelly Kenney, Strategy Partnership and Trade Show Ninja by tuning into our full interview here. About MEET ( helps B2B growth companies and pavilion hosts effectively leverage at trade shows and in-person events. MEET’s processes help its clients ramp-up sales quickly and maintain a steady stream of high-quality prospects going forward. Contact Bill Kenney at MEET today for a free trade show participation assessment or +1 (860) 573-4821

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